AGENDA 21 RADIO BY ALEXEI KOSEFF Rebuffed at every turn by state lawmakers, supporters of the movement to establish a separate “State of Jefferson” in Northern California have a new approach: Make the Legislature bigger. Citizens for Fair Representation, a group affiliated with the secession movement, filed suit in […]

AGENDA 21 RADIO BY PAUL PRESTON by Tyler Durden, TwitterFacebookReddit Two days after Trump’s termination of James Comey, more details about the circumstances of Comey’s departure continue to emerge and the most dramatic highlight from this morning’s news wrap comes from the WaPo, which reports that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein […]

AGENDA 21 RADIO BY PAUL PRESTON Businessweek Cincinnati police spend much of their time responding to heroin-related crimes. Photographer: Taylor Dorrell for Bloomberg Businessweek by Jeanna Smialek On a drizzly May afternoon, a man in gray sweatpants and a black Bengals hoodie sold a half-gram of heroin for $70 inside […]

AGENDA 21 RADIO BY PAUL PRESTON A forensics team investigating the failure of the Oroville Dam on February 7-12, 2017  wrote in a three-page memo to the state Department of Water Resources cited a variety flaws in Oroville Dam’s main spillway, including variations in the thickness of the concrete slabs, […]

AGENDA 21 RADIO BY PAUL PRESTON California is putting communities downstream in danger of flooding with the way it runs the now-crippled Oroville Dam, mayors and county leaders wrote this week in a strongly worded letter to Gov. Jerry Brown. The letter — signed by the mayors of Oroville and […]

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