AGENDA 21 RADIO by CHRISS W. STREET The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FECR) forensic audit of the Oroville Dam Spillway crisis project found that failures were due to inadequate California Department of Water Resources (DWR) maintenance, repair of cracks, thin concrete slabs, poor drainage, and use of weathered rock. FERC […]

AGENDA 21 RADIO BY PAUL PRESTON by JOEL B. POLLAK California Governor Jerry Brown warned Thursday that the Republican members of the state’s congressional delegation would have to perform “penance” for having voted for the American Health Care Act in the U.S. House. Last week’s vote on the bill was […]

AGENDA 21 RADIO BY PAUL PRESTON WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday launching a commission to review alleged voter fraud and voter suppression, building upon his unsubstantiated claims that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election. The White House said the president’s “Advisory […]

AGENDA 21 RADIO BY PAUL PRESTON By Sari Horwitz and Matt Zapotosky Attorney General Jeff Sessions overturned the sweeping criminal charging policy of former attorney general Eric H. Holder Jr. and directed his federal prosecutors Thursday to charge defendants with the most serious, provable crimes carrying the most severe penalties. […]

AGENDA 21 RADIO By Ashiah Scharaga,, @AshiahD on Twitter Chico >> Questions about Oroville Dam spillway plans, fish hatchery deaths and transparency were on the minds of those who attended the Department of Water Resources meeting Thursday. State water agency officials got an earful at the Chico Masonic Family […]

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