BOOM! FBI Reopening FOIA Request into Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting


FOX News host Sean Hannity took to Twitter Tuesday evening to announce to his over 2.7 million followers that the FBI is reopening a FOIA request submitted by American Center for Law and Justice organization in relation to the infamous Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting.

“The ACLJ is reporting that the FBI is reopening its FOIA request into the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting… More at 10pm ,” tweeted Sean Hannity.

On Monday, the ACLJ announced it submitted FOIA-obtained documents regarding the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

ACLJ reports:

We just delivered 413 pages of documents on the clandestine Clinton-Lynch meeting to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee.

These documents – relevant to the Committee’s ongoing oversight of former Obma Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and specifically her role in the criminal investigation of former Secretary Hillary Clinton – were received as a result of our litigation against the Department of Justice for failing to comply with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

In addition to the FOIA-obtained documents, we also provided the Senate Judiciary Committee a complete timeline of the most relevant communications and events that occurred after Attorney General Lynch secretly met with former President Bill Clinton on July 27, 2016, on the Phoenix Airport tarmac.

This timeline and these documents include evidence of:

  • Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s alias email account;
  • Numerous redactions, including main “talking points,” in circumvention of FOIA;
  • Comey-led FBI lies on the existence of requested documents;
  • DOJ-Media collusion;
  • A White House connection; and
  • Revelations that Obama-loyalists are now investigating themselves.

In our letter, we urged the Senate Judiciary Committee “to thoroughly complete their oversight in order to ensure the American people that our judicial system is indeed blindly applicable to everyone.”

President Trump’s attorney, Jay Sekulow, read the timeline breakdown of the Lynch-Clinton tarmac docs on his radio show Friday morning.

Sekulow pointed out that upper level crisis management stepped in and responded to an email inquiry within ONE MINUTE of the news breaking that Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton met on the Phoenix tarmac in June of 2016. The internal panic is very telling. The Obama administration along with Lynch and Comey were doing everything they could to get this under control by creating talking points to deceive the public.

Below is a timeline breakdown of the first 30 minutes of the news breaking over the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting via the lawyers at ACLJ. Crisis management stepped in and responded within ONE MINUTE of the email inquiry about the meeting. The first email was sent at 1:14 PM, the response was at 1:15 PM. The full breakdown can be read here.

The full document production, including the still redacted talking points can be found here.

June 28, 2016

Email Chain: “Bill Clinton meeting?”

  • 1:14pm – Mike Levine (ABC News) to Melanie Newman (Director of DOJ Office for Public Affairs) (OPA) [0001] [0099] [0104] [0107] [0111] [0116]
    • Content: “Hey guys, wanted to address something ASAP…Apparently our affiliate in Phoenix is hearing that the AG met with Bill Clinton on a plane last night for close to an hour. They seem to think it’s somehow connected to the Benghazi report released today (“I’m not sure what the connection would be). But hoping I can provide them some guidance ASAP. Thanks.”
    • ContextFirst media request about Clinton/Lynch Meeting.
  • 1:15pm – Newman (OPA) forwards ABC email to Carolyn Pokorny (Deputy Chief of Staff & Counselor to AG Lynch) (OAG) and Kevin Lewis (Press Secretary for DOJ to AG Lynch) (OPA) [0001] [0099] [0104] [0107] [0111] [0115]
    • Content: “We need to talk. I’m on cell (redacted (b)(6))”
    • Context: Based on the time zone, Pokorny and Lewis appear to have been with the AG.
    • Note: Email  Sent to senior OAG Officials within 1 min of story breaking.
  • 1:16pm (10:15 AM PST) – Pokorny (OAG) to Newman (OPA). [0099] [0103] [0106] [0111] [0115]
    • Content: “+Matt. I’m free. I will get a conference line.”
    • Note: Within 2 min, Matthew Axlerod (ODAG), the Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General (#2 to DAG Yates), was added to the conversation. His current bio states that he “took the lead in advising on crisis management within the DOJ, working closely with the White House, Congress, the FBI, and the media on DOJ’s most sensitive and high-profile matters.
  • 1:17pm – Newman (OPA) to Levine (ABC) [0001]
    • Content: “What’s your number?”
  • 1:17PM – Pokorny (OAG) Emails [0103] [0106] [0110] [0115]
    • Content: “Dial-in: (Redacted (b)(6)). Passcode: (Redacted (b)(6)).”
  • 1:18pm: – Lewis (OPA) Emails [0001] [0099]
    • Content: “+SF and Uma”
    • Context: This denotes that at this time, Shirlethia Franklin (Deputy Chief of Staff & Counselor to AG Lynch) (OAG) and Uma Amuluru (Counselor to the AG) (OAG) were added to the conversation.
  • 1:20PM – Shirlethia Franklin (OAG) to Lewis (OPA) ccing Pokorny (OAG), Newman (OPA), Mathew Axelrod (Associate Deputy AG to AG Sally Yates) (ODAG), and Amuluru (OAG) [0099]
    • Content: “I can step out and hop on a call. Is there a conference line?”
  • 1:24pm: – Levine (ABC) emails Newman (OPA) [0002]
    • Content: “Are you in your office? I can [come] by in like 15 or so.”
  • 1:25PM – Lewis (OPA) Emails [0103] [0110]
    • Content: “I need to stay at the event right now because press is here. The press avail starts in about 40 minutes.”
  • 1:25PM – Franklin (OAG) Emails [0103] [0106] [0110] [0114]
    • Content: “Kevin – I’ll fill you in. Shirlethia.”
  • 1:26PM – Amuluru (OAG) to Franklin (OAG) ccing Lewis (OPA), Newman (OPA), Pokorny (OAG), Axelrod (ODAG) [0103] [0106] [0110] [0114]
    • Content: “Same”
  • 1:29pm: – Newman (OPA) to Levine (ABC) [0002]
    • Content: “I’m not but heading back. I’ll call you.”
  • 1:32PM: Levine (ABC) to Newman (OPA) [0002]
    • Content: “Sounds good thx.
  • 1:44PM – Newman (OPA) Emails [0102] [0105] [0109] [0114]
    • Content: “Adding Peter to this chain for review. Peter – feel free to call me to discuss. 202-305-1920. Draft Statement: (Redacted(b)(5))”

Below is Jay Sekulow discussing upper level crisis management immediately stepping in to put the Lynch-Clinton tarmac fire out.


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