Guillermo Moreno: Democrats March Toward Socialism At Convention

Guillermo Moreno, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views  


California Democrat Organizing convention kicked off for the first time in San Francisco this weekend and delegates in attendance desired to take California polices and culture nation wide. College students and millennials were brewing with excitement for Warren, Bernie, Beto, and Harris waving signs and chanting for their candidates in the convention hall and lobby. 

The convention kicked off with the national anthem and Democrats were encouraged to kneel if they felt so inclined. In a message of equality resonating throughout the convention, prayer included prayers to God and Allah. Presidential politics and choosing a new California Democrat Chair was top of mind.  Of note, unlike the CA GOP convention, the American flag was not prominently displayed throughout the convention, nor did it appear on apparel

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivered forceful remarks early after California Governor Gavin Newsom. Pelosi promised forceful action against President Trump vowing to fight Trump in Congress, the court room, and in the court of public opinion. Former California Democrat Chair Art Torres was angered by Facebook allowing doctored video of Speaker Pelosi and called for intervention and inferred Russias influence is still strong.  

Presidential candidates Senator Warren and Sanders were most favoreds with dozens of  grass root collegiate organizers seeking signatures and volunteers followed by Kamala Harris and Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Presidential candidates, except Mayor Pete, Former Governor Hickenlooper and Former Representative John Delaney, delivered  remarks focusing on the necessity to remove the President. Mayor Pete utilized his seven minutes attacking conservative policies instead of focusing on President Trump. Former Governor Hickenlooper received audible criticism when he was booed  stating “socialism is not the answer.” Former Representative Dalany was also chastised for not supporting medicare for all. 

Rusty Hicks was elected Chair of the Democrat party receiving 57% of the vote. Chairman Hicks promised to get to work immediately organizing a divided party. 

Day one Presidential Candidates: US Senator Kamala Harris, US Senator Cory Booker, Fmr. US Rep. Beto O’Rourke, US Senator Elizabeth Warren, US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, US Rep. Eric Swalwell, US Senator Amy Klobuchar, Fmr Governor John Hickenlooper, Governor Jay Inslee. 

Day two Presidential Candidates: US Senator Bernie Sanders, Fmr. US Rep. John Delaney. 


Democrats are not satisfied with their super and mega majorities in Sacramento, they desire to take California values and culture to the nation. Long gone are the days of the JFK Democrat.  Progressive values and socialism were guaranteed applause lines and anything remotely moderate on the political spectrum was met with boos and disappointment, and some profane language and hand gestures. 

The California Democrat politicians and delegates want the White House, but are even more serious about changing the culture nationwide. No ill exists that cannot be solved by a progressive or socialist policy irrespective of the cost. It was difficult to find a moderate democrat or one that did not support The Green New Deal. The JFK or moderate democrats are losing relevance in the party, and are clearly enchanted with AOC and her policies. This will be their downfall in 2020. 

Ironically, race based politics was not front and center, but political ideology was. Those supporting The Green New Deal, medicare for all, higher taxes, and bigger unions dominated every section, hallway, and room. Most notably was Sunday, Bernie Sanders, a white male, received unmatched support compared to the only true Latino Candidate Julian Castro. In a state dominated by Latinos, Julian Castro was just another candidate with no grass roots organization or fanfare. 

The average American is not a socialist activist certain President Trump is a racist, criminal, and cheater. The Democrats are falling into the 2016 Hillary trap: They are solely focused on Trump and have no plan, vision, or message on moving the country forward. 

My prediction, Democrat elected officials across America will not be able to go as far left as Democrats desire. This party will implode if President Trump wins in 2020. At that time, all Democrats will go full force with a socialist candidate in 2024. 

BIO: Guillermo Moreno is the Chief Operating Officer of TalkRadio 1680 KGED in the Central Valley and Host of the “Guillermo Moreno Show,” Monday through Fridays at 5:00 PM. 

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