The Weight Of Evidence That is Lighter Than Air

Pelosi: The Bat in the Belfry

Shakespeare, in his sparing way with words, could occasionally nail it with an appropriate phrase. “Much Ado About Nothing” might be a title appropriate for the latest in a long line of desperate moves on the part of Pelosi and her less than loyal Californios who have majored over time in connecting dots that exist only their imaginations.

Storming out of a meeting recently in a childish response to President Trumps reasonable expectations shows the lack of depth to the arsenal of Pelosi, Clinton and crew. If you have nothing to offer you take an emotional grandiose stance and ride it for all its worth. Monsieur et Madam Cloward and Piven would cheer on these moves as being the sort that is a no win for the President.

How do you respond to spoiled brats? You most certainly don’t encourage the darlings to continue out of control behaviours and when it is clear to the public that something is very wrong in the belfry of Pelosi whose bats seem to have bailed out entirely, you just stand by and watch the train wreck.

The President said little in response to the outrageous behaviour but must be smiling at the frustrations the Dems are experiencing. The media once again proved whose side they have taken and did not honestly report what Pelosi did, but rather turned it around and made Trump the guilty party. 

Harkening back to the wise words of the bard and his ability to nail it with few words, “its like a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”. Pelosi’s actions can be viewed as another in a series of indicators that she has totally lost it and is nearing the end of her lack lustre leadership of the Democratic Party and sinking into the mire of irrelevance.

Real thought should be given to who will rise up to lead the Democrats as their hopes for future victories are most assuredly circling the drain at an increasing rate of speed. Schumer may end up being the default leader of a sad and hapless crew of also rans.

Time will tell if the bell will toll the death of the Democratic Party entirely. We wait with bated breath.

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RealClear Investigations Suggests ‘Whistleblower’ Likely 33-Year-Old CIA Analyst Eric Ciaramella

Wed Oct 30 , 2019
Share on Facebook Tweet it Share on Reddit Pin it Share it Email BY KRISTINA WONG RealClearInvestigations on Wednesday published the name of the person they believe is most likely the “whistleblower” against President Trump: Eric Ciaramella, an analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency. The outlet reported that Ciaramella’s name has been […]
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