New California State Delegate Representatives return from Washington DC in hopes of becoming the 51st state before the 2024 Elections

New California State sent for the second time in over a year  “Delegate Representatives” to Washington DC to continue the process of joining the Union of States called the United States of America. 

New California State Delegates Representatives Roseann DiCostanzo, Senator, Orange County, Karen Ginkel, Assembly Member, Santa Clara County and Josh Disney, Assembly Member, San Benito County were tasked with the scheduling of meetings and presentation of papers necessary for the statehood process to move forward. Meeting with some members of the House of Representatives and their staff turned out to be an added productive plus.

Pictured July 9, 2024 Roseann DiCostanzo, Senator, Orange County, Karen Ginkel, Assembly Member, Santa Clara County and Josh Disney, Assembly Member, San Benito County

In February 2023 Delegate Representatives Patty Plumb, Assembly Member,  Shasta County and Josh Disney, Assembly Member, San Benito County were dispatched to set in motion the statehood process to Washington DC.  Now over a year later the process continues with three Delegate Representatives who arrived Monday July 8, 2024. New California State anticipates as many as 10 Delegate Representatives returning to Washington DC starting July 22, 2024 to make the case of statehood.

The process to become a state in the Union was set in motion on January 15, 2018, when New California State declared independence from the state of California in Marysville, CA.  Since the Declaration of Independence was read New California State proclaimed 190 Grievances around the state, conducted 12 Constitutional Conventions, established a Legislature with a Senate and Assembly, executive  and judicial branches, held over 100 town halls and hearings, filed two lawsuits against the state of California, filed 3 Amicus to the U.S. Supreme Court and chartered 56 whole or part of counties into New California State. Now the next part of the statehood process is to request statehood status from Congress.

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BREAKING: Senator Chuck Grassley Releases Shocking Records Confirming HHS Placed Children to Sponsors Linked to MS-13 Gang

Thu Jul 11 , 2024
Share on Facebook Tweet it Share on Reddit Pin it Share it Email AENN Jul. 11, 2024 2:40 pm Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has made public shocking internal records from the Biden regime’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), indicating that the HHS knowingly placed two unaccompanied migrant children […]
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