Micheal Yon: Cannibalism in America


By Paul Preston, Agenda 21 Radio

Paul Preston interviews Michael Yon about the Invasion of America. December 1, 2023 AENN

Michael Yon will be our guest on Agenda 21 Radio in the first hour. Michael will be discussing the recent influx in migrants across the United States, the San Diego border crisis and cannibalism that has reached our shores with the recent Haitian Report From Springfield Ohio On Haitians Eating People’s Pets.

“Cannibalism is the consumption of another human’s body matter, whether consensual or not. In the United States, there are no laws against cannibalism per se, but most, if not all, states have enacted laws that indirectly make it impossible to legally obtain and consume the body matter.” Source LLI

Michael will discuss cannabalism around the world and why it will become prevalent in America.

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Thu Sep 12 , 2024
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