Yes the Machines are Connected to the Internet!
Joe Hoft and California’s San Joaquin County Sheriff Patrick Withrow walk us through the anatomy of California’s election fraud.

For the first time in the entire election fraud fiasco a real qualified auditor has opined on the latest 2024 Presidential elections. Joe Hoft who along with his brother Jim Hoft started the Gateway Pundit is an internationally known auditor with business ties to numerous foreign countries and Fortune 500 companies. Hoft wrote three best sellers about the 2020 Presidential elections called “The Steal”.
In a recent article in BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: California Certifies It’s 2024 Election Despite Huge Issues – It’s NOT Certifiable. Hoft writes about the 2024 Presidential election certifications in California. Joe writes:
“Even if the election processes, data, and systems were reasonable and accurate, which they are not, to a professional auditor of integrity who’s done hundreds of audits around the world, there is no way the results should have been certified.
This opinion is based on years of knowledge in international corporate finance and audit and knowledge gained in the 2020 Election. Here are some reasons for this opinion.
Garbage Voter Rolls
Ballot Harvesting and Mail-in Ballots
Voter Identification Non-existent
Weeks of Counting
BOMB Threats“

California’s 2024 Results Are Uncertifiable
At the conclusion of the article Hoft states:
“California’s elections are a total mess. There is no way the Secretary of State should have certified the 2024 mess. The 2020 Election results in California are NOT certifiable”.
Since there are only minimal efforts to certify the election results and no meaningful audits conducted at either the county or state level one has to take the words of a professional well practiced auditor such as Joe Hoft seriously.
Remember there is no way to audit the machines that count the votes because county and state officials proclaim the machines are proprietary so cannot be seen nor audited by the public only the manufacturers and the state and county officials have access to the machines.
The public is forbidden from examining the machines. This is against the Constitutional Rights of all Americans.
California’s San Joaquin County Sheriff Patrick Withrow
Election Fraud in California
Sheriff Patrick Withrow and other officials talk about voter fraud charges against Lodi Council Member Shakir Khan. Withrow gives a texted book accounting of what election fraud looks like and how it should be investigated and brought to trial leading to conviction.
San Joaquin county citizens and Patriots have worked closely with the sheriff’s office including New Californians who want a free and fair election.
“I want to make it clear that this investigation has only uncovered criminal activity in our county here in a local election. It has nothing to do with no impact on any state or federal elections that we know of this time. Our investigation, uncovering the Councilman Shakir Khan, has attempted to undermine, and manipulate and violate one of our most fundamental rights here.In our country and that is the right to free and fair elections.
I would like to note that the Peers Councilman Shakir Khan has targeted members of his own community, our Pakistani community in the North County. And we are doing everything we can to work with them to make sure that they are protected and that any damage done to them or their families is corrected by this man’s actions. So I will be turning it over now to Captain Hardy or Andrew’s Theodore to go through some of the stuff that I told you about that we have here, the evidence, and we’ll see you next time”. Get more Sacramento news: