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BREAKING: New Statehood Movement Gaining Steam – Paul Preston from New California on FOX News

A21R Admin

We all know California has fallen under tyrannical rule.  Mass Californian exodus to other states vividly illustrates this picture.  Since California has become financially irretrievable, thankfully the Founding Fathers of the United States were wise enough to know human nature and that times such as today would arise.  They had the wisdom and the foresight to build into the constitution a solution.

New California State is California’s Solution—two states from one!

New California is Constitutional

Article IV Section 3 of The United States Constitution allows for a new state to be formed from an existing state with the approval of the State Legislature and Congress.

Article IV Section 4 of The United States Constitution states The United States shall guarantee every state in the Union a republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion and domestic violence.  California state is not providing any of these guarantees.

The United States Constitution mandates the Right and the Responsibility, the Duty of the People who are suffering the long train of abuses and usurpations at the hands of a tyrannical government to abolish and make new a government by the People and for the People under GOD….  Article IV section 4 provides the justification when these guarantees are not being met.

For decades, as an educator, Paul Preston the founder and Governor Pro Tempore of New California State (NCS), saw the direction California, the once Golden State, was headed.  He knew something had to be done and went on a mission to find a viable solution.  New California State organization was born.

New California follows the Virginia/West Virginia State Split Model

The idea of splitting up California has been around for years and has been tried over 200 times by various means, but none of them have been constitutional.   Article IV section 3 states the approval of the state legislature is needed to move onto Congress for approval of statehood.  NCS had every intention of doing that – but when the time came, “we the people” of California had been abandoned by our elected officials due to Co   v  id…  New California State had to keep moving forward.  Researching history Paul became aware of the means in which West Virginia became a state. The citizens of West Virginia did not want to be a “slave state”; they wanted their independence from the “slave state” of Virginia.  The people tried to go to their Virginia legislature, but the elected officials had abandoned their constituents by joining the Confederacy and seceding from the Union of states. So, they had no choice but to go straight to Congress.  Congress sent them back to their state saying they needed approval from their state legislature.  Since there was no legitimate state government to get approval from, one needed to be formed.  The West Virginian’s created “Reorganized Virginia” a viable state government, sought approval, and then went back to Congress for their approval.  It was eventually granted, and the rest is history…  New California State is following the West Virginia model.  Yes, Reorganized California approved forming a new state out of an existing state—not seceding.  Forming a new state is not a new or radical idea, it’s been done 50 times.  Our forefathers intended for new states to continually form as populations grew.

New California has “Standing”

New California State achieved “Standing” in the U.S. Supreme Court based on declaring Independence January 15, 2018. Since then, 190 grievances, 10 declarations of truths, 14 notices of California defaults and 3 Proclamations of Truths have been written and read at the state capitol and superior court houses around the state. As well as successfully executing 12 Constitutional conventions and the first Constitutional Convention of Reorganized California.

New California has an acting Bi-Cameral Legislature

Numerous steps/phases exist to the statehood process. The New California State movement is in the final phase and on track to become the 51st state.  Very important self-governance components exist for statehood preparation; a new state must be able to govern itself.  New California State functions with a bi-cameral legislature, constitution, and resolutions. In fact, New California State’s Legislature operates Constitutionally, unlike California’s current legislature.

New California sent delegates to Washington DC to advocate for statehood

March of 2023, delegates were sent to Washington, D.C. to advocate for statehood and deliver documents to the then Speaker of The House, Kevin McCarthy.  The delegates reported that people were receptive, excited, and interested to learn this lever exists.

Other states have begun the new state process.  Currently, New Illinois, New Oregon, New Nevada and New Arizona participate in the New State Movement. There will be a domino effect created when “We the People” throw off the tyrants.

New California founder Paul Preston says:

California government is a one party system.  Let’s be very clear.

Paul Preston, President, Governor Pro Tempore Great State of New California

Rural California counties push to form new state away from Democratic-run cities – The founder of New California State says rural residents have been forgotten by lawmakers in Sacramento.


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