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CIA Operative Gives 27-Year Timeline On Stolen Elections: Connects Smartmatic, Dominion, Software Softer (Bizta) with Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez


CIA Operative Gives 27-Year Timeline On Stolen Elections: Connects Smartmatic, Dominion, Software Softer (Bizta) with Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez

Written by Michael Hernandez

Oct 23, 2024 REPOSTED January 7, 2025

BOCA RATON, FLORIDA—Former CIA operative (1992-2005) Gary Berntsen has “gone public” (on YouTube) with a 16-minute video released Oct. 19, a 27-year timeline and website ( outlining the connections between Smartmatic (election software), Dominion (voting machines), Software Softer (Bizta) with Venezuela’s 52nd President Hugo Chavez (1999-2013) who led the Bolivarian Revolution, a socialist political program inspired by both Simon Bolivar and Fidel Castro.

The intent of these inter-connected companies is to control elections worldwide (both global and in America) and change voting results without anyone in the public knowing.

Venezuela has mastered how to steal elections when candidates are within three to five percent of each other. The voting fraud is detected when candidates win by massive amounts. Working with Venezuela is China, Cuba and Serbia.

Berntsen shares how swing-state voting is monitored by servers in Belgrade, Serbia.

He also states how fraudulent voting was not only done in Venezuela elections but also in the Philippines. In his YouTube video, Berntsen shares how Dominion Voting Machines are manufactured in China and shipped to Taiwan. He shares how the voting election soft code is controlled by the Venezuela regime which is now run by President Nicholas Maduro, who has a U.S. indictment of 15 million dollars on his head. Six other cabinet officials are now also indicted.  

Berntsen, is a veteran of U.S. Air Force and served in intelligence operations including Afghanistan where he was Chief of Herzbollah Operations and concluded his service in the CIA in Latin America. He then started an investigation of the largest international criminal cartel in the world—Cartel de los Soles (The Cartel of the Suns) involved in international drug trade headed by high-ranking members of the Armed Forces of Venezuela. They have stolen more than one trillion dollars and embezzled 500 billion dollars to fund their operations. The Cartel of the Suns moves 25-40 metric tons of cocaine every month into the world and controls a dozen countries and leaders.

Smartmatic Corporation, the voting software company incorporated in Delaware on April 11, 2000 but gives its principal physical address as 19591 Dinner Key Drive, Boca Raton, Florida. Likewise, Bizta Corporation, an American company incorporated in Delaware on April 12, 2000 by the same shareholders of Smartmatic also declared its principal office at the same address as Smartmatic Corporation. Bizta on Jan. 24, 2001 filed for incorporation to commence operations in the State of Florida with tax address in the State of Delaware. Meanwhile, Software Softer is incorporated in Caracas, Venezuela by  Antonio Jose Mugica Rivero, Antonio Mugica, Jr. and Antonio Julian Mugica Sesma (Antonio Mugica, Sr.).

Basically, the election software companies and the voting machine companies used in  

U.S. elections were all connected to deceased Venezuela dictator Hugo Chavez. A Reuters fact-check found that Dominion systems were used in at least 24 states for the 2020 elections and California predominately uses the Dominion Voting Systems. Venezuela owns the source code for Smartmatic which is stored in a vault in the Venezuela central bank.

According to Berntsen, “President Chavez decided to weaponize elections beyond Venezuela and entered Cook County in Illinois and the State of New Jersey in 2006. In 2005, Sequoia Voting Systems had been conducting elections for over 100 years and had a 22 percent voting share of the U.S. market. They were purchased by Smartmatic and the source code was put into these voting machines.  

“Dominion Voting Systems—a little company in Toronto, Canada that had only managed one local election was found by the Smartmatic executives and arranged for Dominion to purchase Sequoia and this allowed Dominion to inherit the source code from Smartmatic—the source code owned by the Venezuelan regime.

“Smartmatic and Dominion would ultimately sign an agreement providing Dominion with the U.S. market and Smartmatic with the international global market. Two exceptions are that Smartmatic does elections in California—the Los Angeles County market and Puerto Rico.

“More than 200 software engineers worked side-by-side in Caracas, Venezuela and their efforts for more than a decade was to perfect the techniques of stealing all elections and defeating audits. In 2024, Smartmatic exited Venezuela to allow the regime to maintain control of the worldwide election global market.”

“Smartmatic has built a factory just outside of Beijing, China and now ships the hardware to a warehouse in Taiwan. The hardware is marked as manufactured in Taiwan and marketing for use in U.S. elections against the law.  Dominion Voting Systems manages almost all the elections in U.S. swing states which determines who wins the presidency. The evidence of the source codes in both Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Machines are owned by the Venezuela narco-regime.

“Every citizen needs to be asking where is the DOJ, the FBI and the CIA? Is our national security apparatus defending national security or enforcing the law?

“Dominion has moved its research and development and servers to Belgrade, Serbia and they alter elections as directed by the Cartel de los Soles. In 2020, when faced with calls to investigate elections, a conference call was done with Smartmatic and Dominion to address the public concerns and assure everyone that there were no irregularities. It is shocking that the criminals were consulted to respond to the American public.

“In August, 2024, three former Smartmatic executives were indicted in Florida for the 2016 elections in the Philippines, including the founder and current president of Smartmatic. He paid $8.5 million dollars in bail. The bribery was paid to alter election results.

“We have the source code. We will surrender it to appropriate authorities. It can easily be matched with other systems to a family of altering elections.”

Berntsen stated that he has tried to release his investigative findings to the Federal Bureau of Investigation two years ago in Washington, D.C. and was told “to leave” D.C. so that the “FBI would not destroy our efforts.” He later went to a U.S. attorney and two U.S. assistant attorneys from the Department of Justice and they said they forwarded his investigations to the Office of Public Integrity which never did follow-up with any investigation of their own.

Both Fox News and Newsmax settled with Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Machines when they were sued by the two companies The Fox News settlement with Smartmatic for defamation was for $787.5 million dollars. Originally the lawsuit was for $2.7 billion dollars. The settlement for Newsmax has not be revealed to the public but the original lawsuit was for $1.7 billon and the settlement is expected to be between $370 to $400 million.

To view the 27-year time frame released by go to:

Key Dates:

• 1997 (Oct. 15): Antonio Mugica form Software Softer (Bizta) in Caracas, Venezuela.

• 2000 (Sept. 7): Florida’s “hanging chads” issue complicates Bush vs. Gore balloting.

• 2003 (Jan. 14): Dominion Voting Systems is created in Canada.

• 2003 (June 10): Chavez regime takes 28 percent of Bizta research and development.

• 2004 (April 20): Miami Herald: Smartmatic machines ‘could be used to manipulate’ voter tally.

• 2004 (Sept. 21): ‘Mathematically impossible’ Smartmatic results.

• 2005 (March 9): Smartmatic buys Sequoia Voting Systems for $16 million.

• 2005 (May 26): Cook County, Illinois picks Sequoia with Smartmatic system.

• 2006 (April 27): Chicago Tribune: ‘Angst about Sequoia’ due to its owner’s Venezuela roots.

• 2006 (July 26): California commissioned study of the Smartmatic-Sequoia systems source code and its documentation does not comply with the standards.

• 2006 (Oct. 25): California de-certified Sequoia systems, citing institutional flaws in source code.

• 2006 (Nov. 8): Sequoia/Smartmatic split creates 100 percent American-owned and independent company.

• 2008 (Aug. 11): Smartmatic & Dominion partner in Philippines.

• 2010 (June 4): Dominion buys Sequoia assets, including all software (including Smartmatic software).

• 2011 (May 2): Dominion begins operation in Belgrade, Serbia.

• 2012 (Dept. 12): Smartmatic announces lawsuit against Dominion.

• 2013 (May 1): Smartmatic loses lawsuit against Dominion for control of Puerto Rico elections.

• 2013 (June 11): Lawsuit filed in Philippines over Smartmatic ‘irregular, graft-ridden contracts.’

• 2016 (Sept. 28): CA Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu sees national election risk in swing states and counties.

• 2018 (Aug. 27): Obama election expert: 11-year-old hacker shows ease of sabotaging U.S. votes.

• 2019 (June 8): Huawei seen as ‘threat’ to democratic societies.

• 2019 (July 30): Georgia buys 30,000 Dominion machines for 2020 vote.

• 2019 (Sept. 23): California Rep. Susan Lofgren introduces SHIELD Act to require inspection of election source codes.

• 2020 (March 3): Politico: Smartmatic flaws in LA County ‘could provide a gateway’ for fraud.

• 2020 (Oct. 26): PBS asks if Georgia’s new voting machines will make things worse.

• 2020 (Nov. 15): Smartmatic USA chairman joins Biden-Harris transition team.

• 2020 (Dec. 4): Smartmatic Chairman named president of Soros Foundation.

• 2023 (Jan. 12): Texas Attorney General seeks new laws to fight election crimes.

• 2024 (Aug. 8): Feds criminally charge Smartmatic president.

• 2024 (Aug. 9): Indicted: Smartmatic president & COO, brother-in-law of chairman and CEO, other executives.

• 2024 (Aug. 12): Politico: Best hackers find voting machine vulnerabilities but no time to fix them.

Berntsen will be featured on the Ralph Pezzulo book on “Stolen Elections: The Plot To Destroy Democracy” to be released by Amazon on Dec. 10.

Elon Musk Gives Support To Dominion Voting Systems Fraud While In Pennsylvania For Trump Campaign Event

“When you have mail-in ballots and no proof of citizenship, it’s almost impossible to prove cheating,” Elon Musk said, responding to an audience member’s question about election fraud. “Statistically there are some very strange things that happen that are statistically incredibly unlikely. There’s always this question of, say, the Dominion voting machines.

“The last thing I would do is trust a computer program,” he said in his remarks at the Oct. 17 Philadelphia campaign event for Donald Trump. “This election is going to decide the fate of America and, along with America, the fate of Western civilization,” Musk told the crowd as he stood in front of an American flag.”

Musk has given nearly $75 million to his pro-Trump America PAC, which he established this year. He joined Trump onstage when the former President returned to Butler, Pennsylvania at the site of the first assassination attempt against him in July.


Michael Hernandez, from California is co-founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service. He is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted at and is editor of the weekly “Stories Speak Volumes,” “Nov. 5 Election Day Countdown” and “Revive America: Make America Great Again.”



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