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EXCLUSIVE: The State of New California Takes Giant Step – Affirms, Declares and Proclaims Intent to Create New State at State Capitol


January 17, 2024 by Joe Hoft, UPDATED DECEMBER 24, 2024

Members of the state of New California took a giant leap forward on Monday at the California State Capitol by Affirming, Declaring and Declaring their intent to create the new state. 

On Monday members of the state of New California took a giant leap forward by declaring that they intend to create the 51st state in the Union.

These courageous Californians are moving forward with the formation of the new state based on the West Virginia model from the Civil War era.  The US Constitution provides for this and they are using the Constitution to create this new state and overcome the tyranny and lack of representation that is provided to them in the current failed state of California.

Those running California are corrupt tyrants.  The state is facing bankruptcy and the people have no voice.  When tyranny reaches this level, good people have to act and they are.

On Monday the state held a meeting at the California Capitol.  This was announced a few weeks ago.

The meeting was held and the following documents were read at the presentation. One document was the new state’s affirmation of Allegiance to the United States of America and a Justification for the Formation of the state of New California.

Another document was a Proclamation by the Great State of New California.

And, a third document was a Declaration of Independence of California.

Moving forward to save their state and country – New California. 


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