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San Diego County Sheriff will not adhere to Board of Supervisors ‘super sanctuary’ policy

A21R Admin

NEW: San Diego County Sheriff Kelly Martinez announces she will not adhere to the “super sanctuary” policy approved by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors today, pointing out that she is an independently elected official, the Board does not set policy for her office, and she has exclusive authority over county jails.

She adds that California state law is clear on when local law enforcement can cooperate with ICE, and that there is no “loophole” in the law as claimed by Nora Vargas, the Democrat Chair of the San Diego County Supervisors who introduced the policy. Essentially, the Sheriff just called out the Democrats on the Board for virtue signaling, saying she had made her position clear and they knew she would not adhere to this policy before they voted 3-1 to approve it, with the lone no vote coming from Republican


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