Transcript of the hearing. Not Complete.
Paul Preston, Governor Pro Tempore
Opening Remarks:
[Blank_Audio] >> Hello everyone, my name is Tina Hassong, and I am the senator and committee chair for Callucic for me here to support you all today. [BLANK_AUDIO] >> And I'm Paul Preston and I'm president and Governor Pro Temporary for the state of New California.
And this is our third hearing in the Shasta County. Patty was talking, no, this is the third. Oh yeah, so this is a fourth overall. The other night, last Monday night, we had our four-year anniversary. Never thinking we're going to have to be back here doing this again. But here we are, and it's a process. It's a really simple process.
It is at your own pace. There's no limit in terms of how long you want to talk. We appreciate that you stay on topic when you're talking. And of course that topic is elections. And your perceptions, your opinion about the elections, how it went in your county. You know, and what we're here to do is listen as a new state that's approaching state of it. So we're already going to Congress.
This will be our fourth and fifth trips that we planned this month and next month, and a month after that to negotiate for statehood. The last time that's happened was 1959 with Alaska and Hawaii coming in. The last time this has ever happened with the statehood process involving West Virginia model is 1861. So we are emoting it.
And evolving the 1861 model from West Virginia. And it's oftentimes very confusing as to how people can get there that way. But what I have found is you'd have to take the right road to begin with. And once you're on that road and that pathway, and all of a sudden things start to open up, and there's more clarity in understanding how the Constitution gets you there. And we have had more clarity probably the last six to seven months we've sent them.
People back to West Virginia. He even studied all the nuances of all the transitions. We've actually had some very interesting words with members, house members, from Virginia. Not West Virginia, but Virginia. And sort of invoking some feelings of the Civil War, which I was like, well, no, we can't go there. But anyway, it was a very tumultuous time in our American history. And here we are faced with another very tumultuous.
This is a critical time in our American history and we're not just because we elected Donald Trump. I'm sorry, just because he was able to crush the algorithm and create his own election. It doesn't mean we're out of the woods for a long ways before anything can happen. One of the most important things that has to happen is what happens here locally. You know, we're all about the local levels.
And everything we do in the New California State Movement, because one county, one community, one small board, can add this up to so much to create really straight things out into local communities. And that's the way the government initially was established. Small independent autonomous states, if you will, called counties, in states. In states would operate for the same type of autonomy from the United States, but we'd all be bonded.
Together in what's called a compact of constitutions, known as the Union of States, known as the United States of America. So there's a building block process, but unfortunately, that process has really been corrupted as we know by so many different things. I don't want to get into all that. But what we found is that with our process, we just go back and reinvent the whole process as it should be. and I'm trying to hide anything.
We're not trying to bum rush people. We're just going back to the same old government style that we should be operating under, which is an autonomous style. And the Constitution of the United States is not being adhered to by our own state government. There is no possible way we can be adhering to that. And especially when it comes to the second part of Article 4, Section 4, Article 4, Section 3.
To us and structures used as to how to become a state to separate from a pre-existing state. But Article 4 clearly explains to us the reasons why. And the first one is that the states have to guarantee every state who hooks up and becomes part of the compact of states. Every single one has to adhere and follow these three tenets of Article 4 section 4. So the first one he is is.
A Republican form of government, a representative form of government. The second one is freedom from invasion, and the third one is freedom from domestic violence. And on all three counts, California strikes out and has been struck out for a long time. This is not a Republican in California. I mean enough, it's a dictatorship known as a democracy. The word we should not be using when we always want to refer to our states.
Or the United States, we're not a democracy. We are a republic. We're not a representative democracy as the California Constitution, the adopted one of 1879 says we are. And before that, they call this a republic in the original Constitution. What was the change? Well, how is this democracy that we're living in working out for everybody? It's a mob scene is what it is.
Any better until you actually what you have to do is look at California in total governance and say no more. You personally have to personalize the Constitution and become the we the people we are talking about. This group in here, an assembly, freedom to assemble is the fourth party, first amendment. And you have a right degree by the way, but you have a right to be here in a cell.
You are we the people and you have to in your heart understand the Declaration of Independence of why God has empowered you, why God has empowered you to be here today and say I am going to adhere to the Constitution. If it's not us doing it and it's not Gavin Newsom doing it then who is following the Constitution? No one.
You get chaos and white frankly, really at the beginning of the chaos? We ain't seen nothing yet. We ain't seen nothing yet of what this chaos is going to look like. That's why we are here today as New California State because we believe in the Constitution. We have a right to be here and we have a right to stand up as a new government because God has given us that right and read it in the Declaration of Independence.
Dependency. You do not understand the Declaration of Independence and you don't understand the Constitution. The next element of we the people, because I can understand it individually. I can go run around out here and do everything myself, and neither can you. That should be we be the people, all empowered.
By God, are you going to tell me that Gavin Newsom is empowered by God? No way, no way. Okay, then I think we saw that argument, haven't we? We have a right to be up here. You have a right to be here. You have a right to participate in this. We have a right to listen to what you have to say. We have a responsibility. That's the only thing. All of us have a responsibility that we just don't have a right. responsibility goes with.
With right, we have our responsibility to do the next step. And that is to throw off tyranny. That's why we're in the room, isn't it? It's all about tyranny. If you look at the Declaration of Independence, it says it right there. You have a right. You have a duty to throw off the tyrant. That's why you're all in this room. And there's only one way you're going to do that. Embrace those documents. Believe it yourself and unify. of buying something.
That's going to cause a change in government. It's now time to change government. This is the time the founding fathers knew would come in this nation. They knew it would come here. It's interesting, it says circumstances. We're not the only new movement that's following this model, which comes from the Constitution, by the way. I didn't make it up. I didn't design it. I copied it. I did, I plagiarized it. from guess where? The Constitution, holy moly, God help me. Please forgive me for following your direction and having enough faith in you to know that this works. Because it works. We've been at this six and a half years, we've gone through the process. We're gaining more and more steam. We now have 57 counties that are either whole or part of California and guess what? There's only 58 counties. I just spent the end...
Afternoon and evening last night in San Mateo County with a group of patrons you wouldn't believe. Unbelievable patrons who love this country and they're willing to die for it. I was shocked, that's my fifth trip to San Mateo County. I'm not afraid to travel. It's a short distance for liberty. We'll be back here on the 17th for another hearing because we want to hear what people have to say, but in the meantime we have about another 15 hearings in town halls to go to this month and part of next month.
When we said we did 73 hearings, 73 hearings after the first one here in Shasta, we did drive the heck out of my truck, we flew up and down the state, we had some of our brethren line all over the place with a stride and catch up with us.
Sometimes we would have just two people in the hearing. It's very California, I'll never forget that. At the height of the COVID, we met in the high desert of Southern California near my old high school, the very high school where I was in the school administration. (Hesperia, CA). We had two people, two women, two ladies. They were actually the same age as the students I had when I was in this very high school. They grew up. It was very interesting. Their kids were in Apple Valley high school. And what a what did learn from that?
People. We learned of the abject cruelty of the Apple Valley High School administration torturing students. You think it was important for us to be there (with those two parents?) to call the authorities and let them know that students were being tortured by being out in the wind, the blowing freezing wind. Have you ever been in a high desert when it's dead winter and the wind is blowing? It's gets below zero.
Students at Apple Valley High School who came to school without a mask and refused to put one on were removed from class and placed outside on the basketball courts seperated from the rest of the students by yellow tape. They had kids without jackets because why? What did these Americans do? These American kids refused to wear a mask! They exercised their 1st Amendment Rights. The point is these two parents took the time to testify. That was important for us to be there that day.. We will continue our travels because we are the new Californians.
And we will lead the nation and get everybody to understand we've got to get back on course with the Constitution. We've got to. We are not going to fail. Failure is not an option here. You'll hear us say that all the time in the New California State Movement. We have the right, we have the responsibility, and we have the duty to be here.
Here today. So we would invite anybody who wants to come up, make a comment and let us know what kind of information you can give us about what is going on in your world and how you perceive the elections. We have no agenda other than that. We want to hear from you. Now I said we did 73 years. That doesn't count town halls. That doesn't count a whole bunch of other things that we did in the local counties.
Constitutional Convention, oh yeah, oh I forgot about those. Constitutional conventions, we did 12 of those. 190 grievances, that's us, you know, 190, you guys, come on. We've been busy. We have been busy because Liberty knows, no, or stoppage. What was the other one? Well, we've been doing the grievances here in Chastity County. Yeah, right here, for four years.
That you know it's been silent, but you know who's been watching? They've been watching. Who's they? We're talking about the state. We're talking about the globalist. They all know exactly who we are. And they all know that we stand for the Constitution. We stand for God and Jesus Christ is our Savior. That is a problem. That is the double barrel that they're looking at.
Because we're here, interesting little evidence piece. They don't like to get it by some publicity. That's fine, I don't care actually, I don't care. Because we're doing something, getting it done. But it's interesting, I challenge you to go to Wikipedia. Which is controlled by the globalists, by the way, come on. Go to Wikipedia and type in New California State. We have a Wikipedia page.
I will actually add to the page, but I have to check 15 minutes later to see if it's still there. Because they always take it down. That's why it's never there. It's a rocket science thing, right? They don't want us to be known. We are absolutely exed out on various media sources except for a few that will listen to us and take our stories like the Gateway And then.
You get five to six million views and they see New California we just read a big story about us and they're at New Illinois in the Wall Street Journal. You got to leave something shaken right now. The shaking is here in this room. It is here in this state. It needs to shake. It needs to shake good so we invite you to come up. Anybody? Just all you need to do it, just give us your first name or video.
But we're not going to use the video tape other than for its target reasons and we just need your first out of the details. We're not asking for fundraising, we're not asking for any of that. your first name."
Watch the entire Hearing by clicking on the link below.
Anybody? Does all you need to do is just give us your first name. We're video taping but we're not going to use the video tape other than for its heartbeat reasons and all we just need your first out of the details. We're not asking for fundraising. We're not asking for any of that so just your first name.
My name is Mike.
From Reading, been here three years, actually a little bit longer than three years. I wanted to bring up my experiences on the, I guess, the lecture I'm two years ago, because I wasn't up here for the presidential election of four years ago. And I was working as a poll worker, and as a poll worker back then, at the end of the voting, you can put up a script.
I said the results of the precinct, the results of the precinct, and I noticed something because the election was the most interested in with the election and the R.O.V. for his supporters, who was running for office and was responsible for the election. And now there was a lot of precincts. I can't remember how many, two years ago, how many priests.
Since the Word file was $60,000, $70,000, $80,000. My memory escapes me on that. But at the end of the night, the R-O-B, the person who I actually supported, his name was Bob Holesinger, working with the selection executive project. And I could show him and the precinct at work, which had about a cup on her boaters loaded. ahead, 16 to 40 percent.
I said, "Oh my God, that's an interesting thing, that's only one precinct, let me go to another precinct." So I drove to the next nearby precinct and it was about similar. I hear the percentage was about 60% of the ball, 40% of the calf, and I kept the hour. But let me try one more precinct. And I drove there, I was 60% to 40%. I said, "I think Bob's got this." And I stopped hiding, trying to go in every precinct, You could have been thinking of me on one one time that's it.
Well, when I looked at the record search line the next day, I saw who was 60 to 40 percent, but it wasn't for Bob, it was for Kathy Allen, and made me wonder, now one of the reasons you mentioned the Gateway Fund, and I'm a assistant journalist, and it made me wonder because the Game Way Pundit just recently came out with a story from.
And make a call round about Tina Peters. And I'm probably really more stories about election integrity the most journalists have in California. But they basically came up with a story that was saying that several election officials now were those of the audience who might not know. Tina Peters was the ROB and put in jail for the crime of trying to have that election integrity.
And the ones that came after are election officials and the Secretary of State. And basically in the story it said that they've discovered that some of these election officials that put her away were employed by Dominion Voting Machines. I've been riding in about Dominion Voting Machines for quite a while. back to the long before Shasta chose the trauma.
Dropped them in your voting machines. And I thought, this is interesting, but the thought that came to my mind, if they were on the payroll of the voting machines, might not be possible that the meeting was doing the same thing in other counties. And I sent that information to my friend who's in charge of election integrity and has been working in election integrity park. Probably about eight years down Mentor Accounting Greetings, Gloria.
And we're close friends. And I said, well, what makes a resume today? Thanks to the contract to demigoding machines to 2029, the contract didn't need to be extended. What was going on there? Well, when you start connecting the dots, what they're on the payroll, it would serve them in your voting machines to have the contract extended. Well, when I became aware, because I actually covered it, and I've released the story in it.
The Missouri County, the Missouri County, the Board of Supervisors did the same thing. They said they'd stand and they just recently did this. The contract of dominion voting machines to 20-30-30, which is nine years. The contract was an expired, ecstatic couple of years. And I said to Gloria, "Well, on May 7, the election officials, they bought off the Board of Supervisors." I said, "No proof..
But could that have happened in another county? Like maybe Ventura County? And the interesting thing is Ventura County has been leading the charge on fair elections for the State of California because they have more data in the Electio Integrity Project, which is in many states, I personally know, in the Bay. And I said, the very county has assembled.
Of work elections in Windsor Academy before I moved up here. That has the most data for that project that's now in California, Arizona, Nevada. Linda actually moved out of California, is now living in Arizona, which is an interesting place. Because if you notice the three states, the three states that, in fact, one election here in California, Congressional Election was announced until the day before Thanksgiving.
And all those races that were decided late, they knew what the bone needed to be to win. And I say, "Hey, this is Republican versus Democrat." Okay, and the Democrats hold out their head. In fact, that particular race, the Republican running for office was in the lead for two weeks after the elections. and my wish that Gloria was, why are we voting.
In fact, Arizona, I think it's Nevada, not Arizona, but Nevada, you can actually continue voting four days after the election, after election day. And my question again to her was, why are we letting anybody vote? Well, I came up because my friends were plural hops, and some of you have been following her story. And I said, Laura, we were at a SCRA meeting, which is Chesa County Public Law Assembly. And Laura said.
It's because of the mail-in votes, because that gave permission for all these different things that happened as far as community voting. And Laura, as I was saying, absolute domain voting machine manipulated and flipped the best way to change election results. by a middle school student in '90s.
Seconds. Now, I've never done that. I'm not intended to do it. I'm not interested in it. But if you follow the dominion voting logic, which is this, we're not connected to the internet. And yet, when you take a look at why are there flash drives? Why are there places where you can plug something into a voting machine? Now, some of that led, I'm sure, to the border supervisors choosing the drum and the music.
But you see what Governor Newsom did, saying that are you interested in state money? Or worse, when there was some resistance, the legislature got all of this, that's illegal. But I guess my question was why are all these things illegal? And yes, we got the heart machines, the heart machines better than the dominion voting machines.
So I've been writing stories on Dominion Voting Machine for years, and now that this evolved, I think it makes all those things about elections subject to, are they fair. And of course, I will publicly say, I'm a Trump supporter, and a Trump supporter since he came down the Espoir in 2016, and I've worked with the Trump team in the state of California since 2000.
But my question is, is when he challenged my two results, and how the J6 came about, and they were given no rights, were they given trials, they were thrown in jail, the FBI came, it was all sorts of investigations, and even he was investigated in Mar-a-Longa, and my My question is, is this how we want to go.
Continued to see elections. Now, he was the narrative came out against them. And I personally believe that there's no way he lost that election in 2020. How could a person that's having rallies thousands of thousands, still 40, 60, 80,000 lose to a man who's fond of the biggest reality show by the end of it was about 200. And rarely did he get 200.
And how are you going to become a math teacher or in words before I be tired? How can you say that one day, which generates all this enthusiasm, if that's all, or how it is, just that people want to support someone, generates that enthusiasm, and then someone who goes over here who doesn't seem to have enthusiasm, beats you by millions of votes, by millions of votes, well, you can do that by flipping.
To be a machine, just like that. And it can be done very quickly. And that's not been disputed. When Ventura County was covering the border supervisor's meeting, I was training, and I submitted it to Ventura County. Do you know the Ventura County star, I don't want to take it. Some of the people I've done for Citizens' Journalism, do you think the record search line is running? No. We've developed our own platforms. This is general platforms like that.
Medium is controlled, the mainstream media has their narrative and it's a narrative. So I just want to commend your efforts here. I wanted to share those couple of facts that I knew about and just suspicions I have and I'm not ready because I can't articulate and I can't say that I've discovered that we have four supervisors have been bain and been to our county, been bain by dominion. But we sure it looks like we've had an amazing, amazing Colorado, I'm sure they're in a good place.
Ms. Michigan, some of you were saying things. So, anyway, thanks again. - Thank you. - Thank you for opportunity to share with me. - Thank you. - Thank you.
Anybody have any questions? Did you can't leave yet? - No, we're texting. - Anybody have any questions? Tina? - Good, fine, we're being up here. You said that you went through all these precincts? This was in the primary, right? - Yes. - I think. - Were these precincts all in Shabbat County? - Yes. [BLANK_AUDIO].
The Bible is repuple-centered. So was that two years ago? That's been two. - Twenty-two. - Twenty-two. 'Cause I wanted to send my dates. But it just seemed very suspicious to me. Of course, there was no place to particularly those suspicions or those things. And the Bible is very gracious. I smell a breath. I mean, it's all like this thing out of that. that get all over the state as far as we're out there.
I don't have any people wanting to articulate that so I can't. I don't put myself into my stories. I'm reporting on what other people say, but if they don't articulate it, then I can't report it.
>> This is the first time I've ever articulated what I have seen personally. >> I think we have another question. >> The 60:40 number has brought it to mind algorithm for me. And you spoke a lot about integrity, but have you run into any issues with algorithms and research and the articles that you've written? >> Chief Peters was talking a lot about that. So I wrote a lot about what she had been saying.
The problem, I have a lot of friends with the Elections Integrity Project, they're supposed to be, according to the non-profit status non-partisan. So, even my friends who are in that project can really say I'm Republican, because that goes against how they've gotten, well, they're non-profit status. And they don't want to trigger using, they don't want to be trigger lawsuits.
Based on partisanship, which makes it difficult. But the people who have worked the people on an election-telling project quietly, they will tell me this is what I've seen, this is what's going on. And they have millions of data. But I keep on challenging them to break out of EIP and create another.
They're not fearful of losing a non-profit status because it says like the government's controlling you by using the fear of non-profit. I think you have to create a new structure when you have information that can't get out. So I'll try to get something on the record. I've talked a little bit several times, I've talked to my friend, Gloria, she said I'll tell you off the record.
I don't want you running with it. This is what we've seen. And I've been working with them for years. And there's some of them are considered because they say, if we're so fearful, on we being controlled ourselves. And I keep on trying, but their friends side, I don't put it on to think because I'm interested. >> Yeah, my friend, I'm going to go to the show. Where can we find? Here is the --.
We've written up on your website or yet my business partner and I created something called the Citizens Journal, which is Citizens Journal.US, who is an intern at Germany. So my initial writing ended up there, but then this name is George Miller, but he left California when he thought it was just too much. We'll be the lost out of the languages.
And he's down below something from us, a citizen journal.net. So I've been writing for both of them. When I came up here, I intended to start a citizen's journal and been sure and counting. But I became aware of what the mountaintop tongues was doing and what the other effort from town at all, town at all.
All praise and rabbit and come in as a third, third vehicle. I had vision because we have years of experience and we've published about 30,000 stories in those two markets. But the Citizens General of the US is still an operation. He gave it over to two people in Ventura County for various reasons. They just can't platform, but they're not doing what we.
So they're not trying to get original content anymore. Now, now South County has a original content. Most of these are efforts of love of America, love of a county, love of communities. They weren't set up as my friend as a business consultant, but this wasn't set up as a business model. News papers don't work. I've worked in the newspaper industry as a reporter.
And they got bought off, bought up. That's where you have the corporate media, but to answer your question on that, you have very little local news 'cause they're all corporate giants. And I can tell you the history if you don't know. - Oh, records are shiny. - I was gonna ask you a quick question have you ever seen an actual algorithm before me? - I haven't seen it. I haven't seen this much.
I live in the world of algorithms, and thanks to some very supporting people, we've lived that way since the 2020 election for actually. So we can tell you exactly what the algorithm is, so at some point I'll share some of those with you and see how it works, why Donald Trump knows exactly what every race is like the winds and the loses, and we can tell you that in California there are no elections. They're are only selections. They're only selections. And the algorithm that was used pointlessly or algorithms, it's a way to raise them. They're on to something. Well, I would, you know, we've got to go. Thank you. I know we have some folks that want to get to another meeting that started in the 1930s. So, any of you that would like to know before you work here in California, thank you. Thank you, Mike.
We might ask the proud company to have testimonies because I think most people I know in here have got things that they want to say so I'm sure you would like to say if you were to raise your hand as you would if you plan to speak in tonight Because that will give you guys how short you think I would have
My name is Viam, I've been in writing for four years Conservative neighborhood, this is going to be great, there's no election problems to go into a couple of meetings and then start observing.
So, the week before, November 5th, I've been working on what observers look like. Ben was there, they had been told nothing observable, stay out of the building. There's nothing observable going on, two other workers, observers have come before. So, three people have been rejected, I'm the fourth, and I say, well, that I want to observe that there's nothing observable going on, and lots of delays, finally, one of the commanders came down and said.
We were mistaken there is things going on so it's great I want to see so they brought them and I upstairs and we had nine women that had already been in there for two hours because our observers were turned around during that time taking the ballots out of the envelopes and they had pins in their hands and we're marking on ballots not working together there three at three tables there are each one's doing their own thing and it makes no sense at all anyway they were.
On those ballots with black and blue pins that could have used red if they had to mark something on them. But the fact that we were denied observation of that, and this is before the election, it just makes me wonder what all had happened before we were able to find a clue in Shasta County. - What year was that? - That's this year. - This year? - Yeah. - I'll do it this, so this is everything I'm talking about is newness. - This year? - Everything's this year? - Yeah, so the next thing is just a mentality thing.
I think, because there's a few people here in chess and we're, the nation is looking at us because we're bringing attention to it. And I think it's because people are in denial. We all think, yeah, we know the election was rigged, but that was, San Francisco, that's not my little town. And I think what this has brought to my reality is that this is happening everywhere, including our own backyard. And people weren't in denial. We want to think that we're in a safe neighborhood and our neighborhood is different, but, but chess to county is not different and I've gotta believe the rest of us.
The status line. Yes, Michael. You were denied going in to observe. Four of us were denied. Well, they were there. I believe the observers were there. I just happened to come by. It's about 915 when I got there. And I just happened to be driving by. And I thought, "How's stopped by and see how it's going?" And when they said nothing was going on, I said, "Well, That's observable, nothing going on.
Should be an observable event and that's when I insisted on seeing it then they said oh well there is something you can come see so very shocking on that so then I did pull closing and one of the fire departments that on 321 and a half again it was a half ballots cast. They had 32 provisional balance people that came in with no IT they weren't required to show.
I watched them fill out the paperwork for provisional ballot on the day of the election with no ID required, so they could have gone, you could have gone to every one of our 52 or 62 precincts and done that and just I think disgusting activities. That's quite a testimony. Thank you. Well, some people have a message.
- Yeah, that's a good question. - I do, how can you do it? (audience laughing) - To me, I want to go back to your point about it's not just Shasta County, it's not isolated, it is, and this is a top thing for people to grab basically, to think that it's just here, it's not everywhere else. In the reality check, it is everywhere else. It's actually the globe. They went global with all this years ago, after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and everybody's freaking out.
The lot we're seeing. Everybody has to vote. You know, it was the early companies, Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the SNS, all those companies that basically caused this whole problem, and it's been worldwide at start in Venezuela, and I remember this way here in 2004, I think what was the Secretary of State at the time, the man, the print, the actual computers, and also was in the Irish Schwarzenegger's year, and he was actually in the photo.
Because of the manipulation coming from where it's away like. So this has been an ongoing thing in every state in this year just to make everybody happy. The algorithms, because we deal with the algorithms and what's going on. They really love their game with all the algorithms and they're now able to manipulate every single race with an algorithm if they choose to. That's a new breakthrough for them. Well, you didn't give me a question, but I'll give you a minute.
You might thought on that is how it would be. It's so, so in and reaping. We've known for, since the '60s, banana republics, we're proud of ourselves. We went down and we fixed that election. We're reaping what we did to other countries. And so that's, I think, what we're finding here. But my take on was, man, if it happened in chess, can we have known this county? If it happened here, it is happening everywhere else, because we're a conservative group that shouldn't allow this. and the term is hiding in plain sight.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So, my question is you are --
I'm sorry, what was your name? Rick Hutchinson. Rick Hutchinson. Rick Hutchinson. Okay. Yeah, and so I go around and I'm trying to talk to people about New California and about the elections and whatnot. And it seems like everybody's new source of CNN and ABC News. and you can't really break through the wall.
There's a big giant wallet, and my question for New Telephone is, what is the plan for trying to break through that wall? I mean, these people are, look how little the room is still, and I've been trying for a while, and nobody knows what it is, and you've had to explain what New Telephone is, and people are still listening to their scene, and how do we get out there in the mainstream media to tell what New Telephone is? And then a response also to the question.
I think the AI's been finding, I think the AI, they're using AI, and they've fine tuned it down to the county now. And the algorithms, it was the algorithm war, and thank goodness for Elon, because he knows he's pretty good, right? So the question, what is the media plan for how to get this message out for New California? I would really like to see it succeed, but it seems like Everybody doesn't know what it is.
Because nobody knows what it is, and they say, is that Jefferson? No, it's not Jefferson, and nobody's heard it. And so, and it's, what a few years old now. So, I mean, what is the plan going forward to get this message out to people, especially these men, and the church has made the first spread in the world, you know? - Thank you. - Well, thank you, no. - Can you guys even hear it? - The plan has been in operation.
It's going to continue in operation, and you might not see it because you're not doing the data day to day and all this other stuff and talking and communicating, and quite frankly, you're hearing my voice just really go because that's all I do is talking to you on the media now. Our plan is actually working and working very well. We definitely started slow. We had this start slow. We did not ask for media attention. we haven't been seeking media attention at all in certain times.
When we thought we could take advantage of it for ourselves because we want to build the state first We want to build a functioning Republic first and that's taken a lot of time We actually had a plan the plan would have been in fact from March 1st 2021 And this is a plan we've talked about every but the people have been around for a long time you've got people up here who've been in the city.
Six, seven years in the system. And we had a plan to become a state in March of 2021. And we put that fully into effect. And we were doing the things in the protocols that we felt we needed to do to become a state. We were in contact with the Trump administration, a very close contact with the Trump administration. I just want to tell you that, okay? Just to tell you, so you know, I'm not hiding anything. watch what goes on.
They're watching this room, okay. They're watching you. We go to, I went to a San Mateo, they were watching that, because they believe in what we're doing, and they believe because we're building a republic, a Republican former government, in which we will guarantee freedom from invasion. I'll do the guarantees, that's gonna take place. But it takes a long time, it's a big county. But like I said, we were ready to go.
We had a plan, we functioned with the plan. Chris Street was a big part of that plan because he had calculated, made all the calculations for the collapse of California. But what happened was, Biden got in and became California what, the bailout of $97 billion. So we had to do a little bit of a cut check and say, okay, what are we going to do here? And it's not that we're going to stop. No, we're going to keep on going. And so we really applied ourselves very, very much.
Hard to lead to what we're doing. Building the state slowly but surely in taking the proper steps we needed to take for statehood. And so that's why you know we feel better now. I'll tell you we feel better now about what's going on in the California every single day because we've learned from the past and the doors have opened up in the sense that we know what the evils are and we know what the heartaches that we thought were going to experience and what probably would have destroy this before it.
Or even got started as a state, were now better prepared for anticipation with their going to ask us in Congress, but Congress is more prepared for us in so are the states. Because the state's bottom line don't, you don't want to bail out California, and they're going to have to do it, and they're going to have to do it in short order. Because this thing will go very quickly, as you know, financial collapses if you study, banana republics, they go very quickly. All you need to do is scale it up by a dozen zeros in this interview.
America and you'll see it go fast in California fans and California already has failed. Don't listen to what they're telling you down there. The stock market's good and they're getting their dividends, they're getting all this capital gains and that's going to look good and feel comfortable for a while but it's not going to last and they know what there's nothing there's no there there there's no economy. You have Gavin Newsom out here pontificating but this is this is This is part of Q. You may give chocolate. I was howling about this.
Town Hall a couple weeks ago in Fresno, California. It was a rebuild county because we had a lot of chaos going on down there. We got great people. We go out there and have this town hall. I know that I'm like, "Oh, look at the issue." So now Ben Burkworn, I only know Ben Burkworn. Ben Burkworn, okay. He's a new California. He started with us, okay? So anyway, it's Ben Burkworn territory. It's where he's from, Fresno. and a fantastic human being, right.
I think everybody would agree that, anything. So he shows up on Wednesday. So Hal and Screech at Gavin News and like, you know, he's out there waving flags on the street and he goes into the radio station at noon time. And guess who shows up Thursday afternoon? You have a newsroom. Now, that's not a surprise to people in New California. No, that's not because we scheduled two times in which Donald Trump was the invited guest in the salt and arena in Fresno.
And, you know, that was 2020, you know, called the presidential year, right? And so, guess who chased us out for this all, and we're in a twice. >> Yeah. >> A news story. >> So, what I found out, that he showed out after that, that he's got his little thing about how he's going to build trades and build skills and build jobs, and tell you how to do jobs. I was just hysterical. So, yeah, we're in, we're living rent-free in this head. We know that, and that's exactly where we want to be.
It's not patience, it's timing, and like I said, we're rising, and that's a good thing. And I think California, you see, one of the things we wanted to do, the President needs to know California supports them. I'll just tell you that right now. And we've been trying to get him to come out. I support years. You'd better say that. - I was working from... (audience laughs).
(Audience laughing) - All right. - I thank you guys, and thank God bless all of you. Yeah, the prayers are gonna continue for New California. Just thank you so much for everything you guys are doing. - I'm super happy. - Thank you all. - Thank you, that's right, for being here and speaking up. - Thank you very much. (audience laughing) - Yeah, I just have a cup. First of all, you haven't had a date before.
>> Yeah. Well, Trump's in office. >> Well, Trump is in office. I can say well, Trump is in office. But, you know, if I could make it happen in March, we could make it happen in March. I mean, things could happen that fast, but I can't tell you what day or time, you know, at this point. By the way, when you do these statement things, How many of you have started to stay back.
Created a state. You know what? Come on. Come on, take it. I work in a lane. You just work on a lot, but he's helping. Oh, there he's helping. You know, Jefferson, come on. How many Jefferson? Nobody was in Jefferson? I was 10 at some point. OK, but you know, you started to help make a state. My point is, this state making a state is a hard thing. And it's a difficult thing to get people to believe. [BLANK_AUDIO].
You can make a state, really. Yeah, and then the cynicism from as well is happened 50 times before, you know. Oh, people did that, yeah. You can. My point is, is it's very difficult to do. And we have been through a lot to get you. And we're going to make it, perhaps we can see the end. We can see that what's going to happen is going to happen. And I really think that I can't give you an exact date.
Point is once you get into the process and you have to recognize some processes you're all going to be clear about this so you understand this is a critical time for understanding about this is that we are following the model of the Constitution Article 4 Section 3 which says if you want to form a state from a pre-existing state then you have to get the permission of the states concerned and then that of Congress. A statehood process is only through the Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
Only you cannot do it through the courts, you can't do it and you can't do it through the initiative or through the executive branch. A governor can't say "I'm gonna make a state today" or "You're good, go" and those guys I can talk to those guys from Duke, California, I'm gonna gather and do something and I say "Go ahead and make yourself a safe, forget about the safe legislature." He can't do that. Okay, the president can't do that. The hardware's gonna say yes to us and he.
On a proclamation, but he can hammer down and say I've got the bully pulpit, which is what Abraham Lincoln did in West Virginia, by the way. So this process is set in motion. We set it in motion by, first of all, looking at the assessment of Article 4 Section 3. Are we going to work with the state legislature or not? And if not, then why do we do anything right? Is there no other.
Avenue if there we can't work with this now what would cause is not to be able to work with the state legislature. - Can I be nice on my forehead? - Too many Democrats and that may be the case because why don't we have them in the state legislature we have a super majority in both legislative causes but the point is is that you don't just have that and we've written a hundred and ninety grievances and so many statements about the fact.
And California has a communist government. It is not a republic. It's a democracy and look up to the definition of democracy. It's communism. And so these people do not support article four section four of the Constitution. They are not upholding it. So therefore, we have declared them in default. And we put out notifications. We come down to the state capitol. We've read those notifications into the record.
They cleared them in default. They have absented themselves from government. So in other words, they've seceded from the union. That's the way we look at them. It's constitutional. We've talked to lawyers. We've talked to a lot of people about this. This is not trying to sky. The bottom line is, that's what we stand for. So we have gone on to Congress ourselves. And we are there now, and Congress is listening. You're listening to us.
And we're doing exactly what happened in West Virginia. Exactly. The West, the Virginians, he's silent. They did not want to let the West Virginians come. And they were mad. They looked at him as treasonous. Because the West Virginians did not want to be a slave state with Virginia in the Confederacy. That was the rub. So the West Virginians, they say, OK, let's go work over here with the Virginians and work with them and say, we want to go on to Congress where you give us permission. What do you think they said.
They just went around and murdered more of West Virginia's. So they created their own reorganized Virginia. That's how they did it. And now, of course, they were a state two years later. And we're in that position right now. I wanted to-- I'm in a minister for most of my life, Christian minister. And one day behind the minister is about what and then Christians doing what we're doing here.
Is that you're a target, I'm sure you all know that. Your lives are a target. So I just like to let you know that in the name of Jesus Christ, you can claim your safety at any time, and you thank God for every day and you thank your safety because you have the right to claim it. And God will protect you. I just wanted to let you know that it's something that I would suggest.
That you do daily when you wake up because you aren't a target, but you have many, many people praying for you, and I'm one of 'em. Thank you very much, thank you very much. - Thank you. - I'd like to elaborate a little bit regarding, it was great. What we've been doing during this time, seven years.
There's a lot of work to kind of think we have created both of them, but most are, it doesn't sound good, but it doesn't sound good at all. What's that you have? Wait a minute, close. How's that? It's something that's not known. It's still fine. Oh yeah. Oh yeah? Oh yeah? Here it is. It's a fun time. So, during the seven years, we have created a legislature. >> Senator N. Assembly.
We worked very hard to do the right thing and to get professional so that we're a state when we get the opportunity, we're ready to go. So we've worked hard to do that and we have a traditional system also and we've got our governor right here, Pro Tempor, who was elected by the way. Yeah, he was elected by New California program.
I was coming, but it's all because of the hard work we've done behind the scenes and it will all benefit from that in the future because I want to be sure I want to be done. >> Thank you. >> Thank you. >> Are you mind working here? >> Yeah. >> Yes. >> We got an example. >> That's one of the things, too, that's beginning to happen. This last two or three days is that not only has the gateway pendant.
Has been showcasing what we're doing but what it takes it takes a time to get up to critical mass and then all of a sudden people go wow where did they come from this is like an overnight success well it's like a you know seven-year overnight success or eight-year overnight success and I heard it past the one time say that that they're well you're an overnight success they go well that was a long night a lot of today a lot of work.
And that's what's happening, you know, Wall Street Journal just came out with it. When you start getting stuff like that, the people are going to go, "Whoa, what is this?" All of a sudden, we're going to give notoriety that Rick you were asking about. And we're going to get that notoriety. And that notoriety is going to be back then with some foundation. And that's the thing. If we flash too quick with it, like a flash in the pan and bow or not.
And so we've all been at this for quite a while. And it's like, yeah, is it probably time that this begins to happen? And so first sighted about that, and I want to let Beth talk. So thank you very much. - We have ears, though, right? Amen. - I'm sorry. Did you say there's a governor? - Yeah. And the election, the election on the elected governor from California, which was evidently different. you have an independent general in the parking region.
We're not going to conduct an election in California because we're not going to use the system. Come on. Okay. Would anybody want to use the California election system to pass something, come on. So what we did, though, is we did a demo election, we may have heard of this, 17 counties throughout California. We did this last January just to check it out and see if we could do it. We could call it out of the clear box method, one day, one ballot.
The cost is a dollar for the ballot, as opposed to $19.50, which is what you pay to your in Shasta County for the ballots that were made on them. And how many of you came out? What was your average should return? I think what you have 47% of your votes came back. Valets came back. - That's a little 50. - Yeah, so that's $19.50 of all those ballots and never showed back up. Just a waste, just a waste, excuse me, sorry.
But that's what happened. So that's something to consider. So we did this. If we went on without a hitch, we had a limited ballot. There's no question about it. We had limited ballot and limited time. But we did it. We did the functionality of it on a statewide basis to 17 counties north of the southeast and west. We're coming back. We want to get our constitution finalized and get into a convention to do that. and we're going to have another 58 county.
Election by New California State and it's going to be one day paper ballots anything President Trump likes that he needs a test place he needs a place to do this get it so lies are on stuff like that but I was elected as the governor for a temporary it was just it was a shock and surprise as a constitutional invention but I was invited up to be with the.
In a joint legislative meeting with the Assembly in the Senate, and a nomination came from the floor, I'm going to talk about what's that in color. And they're talking about me, what's the color, how you're talking about me, and they voted unanimously, the whole room stood in support. So that's my vote, I was actually elected, now that's a legal lawful election in the That's what it is.
The other people that are in offices have known from day one, this is all temporary. I'm temporary, pro-temporary. Until we get to a real election after statement is this grant, statement is grant that we can have real elections. This is part of the process. It's not where, like, make believe people. I don't dictate or I just jump up, but I see this. I have to do that, blah, blah. Let's start the waiting, there's a process.
A hundred months, that was what, last year, I've been doing the job as the president, but then they nominated me out of the blue and made me feel like I accepted because we needed to do that. It didn't matter if it was me, it didn't matter if it was anybody, it just didn't matter if we had to have that process in place at that time. So that's how that came about. Yeah. [BLANK_AUDIO].
>> One of the things we're hearing in chess, the county is we're self-appointed. We're not self-appointed, we're called it not a point of self, we elected it to him. And each county has a, they have a committee, and so in that committee there is a number of different people that.
That voted for each person that is in these positions. I'm not self-appointed, that is not self-appointed. No one here is self-appointed. And that's just the enemy's lying. Because it seems like we're just kind of stonewall in our stompin' through and takin' over and being arrogant for whatever it is. But what are not that's not the case. We know that we have a target on our bed. We know that. and we all took the oath.
Of to the Constitution, that we would defend this Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and to our death and so we're not playing and neither were our family fathers playing and neither were West Virginia playing and so because it was like Paul was saying that Virginia just started slaughtering people.
You want a new statement, which is slaughtering how about that? And so they tried to crush them, and we have been quiet enough to be under the radar. And I thank God for that, really. It's been this protection. But now, it's all about to be out there. We're out there now. - Time. - Yeah. Let me, let me clarify one thing. The rent that was deaf for us. What do you do when you're doing something like that.
But we're in really cross the line with me, with Gavin Newsom, is when everybody started to die off from the syllabus. And I said to myself, there's no difference between Virginia and West Virginia here. He's killing Californians. And that gives us the authority to say, "California, good bye." Good bye, good reason we're not working on it.
Working with you because you're a communist totalitarian state and you're murdering Americans. You're murdering Americans that live in the state of California. We're not going to stand it for anymore. That's what the Constitution gives us the right to do. They have been murdering us. That's right. They have been murdering us. And we say no more to that. This is real. Tens yourself. This is what I'm talking about.
What I do in the morning time is serious. I wake up in the morning, after two hours sleep. There we go. Okay. I pinch my five to see if it's real. If it's really, really. And it is. So everything I get that little sobriety. Just did let you know. We are here and we're really happening. Okay, so. - Thanks. - Thanks. - Okay, sorry about that. - Okay, first of all, I wanna thank you So put this eyebrow on.
I'm at the last board meeting. I did ask that we have some place where we can all go and state our problems that we have observed and document it. And because three minutes at the BLS meeting is not enough. - Right. - So, I would really appreciate you guys to hear our answers to my prayers. I have lots of thanks to report that I'm only gonna do one today. I believe you're coming back on the 17th.
Okay, and because of new health on this day that we did our candidacy for the 2020 election, and that's when we found 400 suspicious votes for people's addresses didn't exist. Where just we found so much stuff. If you've heard about it, any place online, we found it. Okay, we have people living in the post office, okay? And so what I...
Was I took those some of them, I just kind of started, I kind of took a break after the election because I was there every day. So anyways, I took those people that didn't have proper addresses, that they said they moved 20 years ago, that their address was C-R-O, just all kinds of that stuff. And so there's about 90 that I went through, okay? So if I haven't actually picked...
I totaled it up, but the thing is, what I found was they didn't just vote in the 2020 election. They voted in the primary, they voted in the 2022, the 2022 primary, the special election. So they don't miss, some of them have messed up you, okay. Now, I haven't compared it for this election yet. I'm trying to put that together, but the odds are pretty good that a lot of them voted.
They've been voting on every other election. And people say, oh, there is no proof. Well, once you've seen it, you've seen it. OK, OK, I'm going to invite the BLS, the Election Commission. Go kill this with us. If you can find these addresses, let me know. If your address is zero, yes, a homeless person can vote. They're supposed to say where they live.
So they hang out at the intersection of whatever, but we have these zero addresses, they're not in the city, they are out in the country. And how many homeless people do you know that have stayed out in the country for four years, and how are they getting their balance? Okay, that's the kind of things that just doesn't make any sense to me. The reason why I'm talking about it is I think people can reach out.
Late too. Oh yeah, let me go try to find his address. Let's see, Wendy point drive. Where is that? Oh, what has a whole bunch of people for it? They're voting, but no address. And I think everything has, you know, how's the mail going? And I mean, I thought, okay, one person is no longer living at the post office. We have three different post offices that did people are living at. Not that's their Millie Maddress, that's their physical.
There was one person that only had a peel box, no physical address, there's a whole bunch of those that haven't even looked at those yet. So the one person now, their physical address, is the address of the post office. So, you know, it's not happening by mistake, Okay, and they've had four years to clean it up and when we went different.
Places and they said oh no that person moved 20 years ago, well how are they getting their balance and how are they still voting, you know, I mean I'm not a very good speaker but that's how I feel, just for their information I believe I'm registered to vote and Mesa County Colorado, I've lived in California since 13 months old, I've been through Denver once at the airport.
And what's on the motorcycle we drove through? So I'm not sure how I got registered, but there are things I've heard about how I got registered, okay? So that's basically it, and I'll have more on the 17th. - Well, don't go down, did you vote in Mason, Colorado? - I don't even know where Mason Colorado is. - Well, that's two years ago. (laughing) - It is, it is, isn't that kind of strange? Yeah, it's not very...
Strange in this world. Yeah, I looked into it. I didn't want them to take me off because I called and find out. But yeah, I'm going to try and find out if I love it, and how long I've been buddy. Okay, any questions? Yeah, I have one. Come on, mister. Mr. Campbell, after the 2020 election, I've assumed that you went to the border supervisors I gave them general information.
I turned our information over to the sheriff. And I've been working with the detective. We've now gotten other things assigned to that same detective. So, you know, we're doing what we can. We're just not getting the responses that we should. But I think what's people see it? I mean, anyone that wants to go out and can this with me? Hey, come on, let's go. [INAUDIBLE] We've all had that opportunity.
But the people that say there's nothing wrong with our elections, they are welcome to go with thing and can this these addresses and if they can find the guy that lives between McDonald's and Taco shop, he is still building. Okay, there's only tri-ways between those two. Okay, so, yeah, they're welcome to go with me to- It's an AI thing.
- Yeah, okay, thank you. Well, yeah. Yeah, I just want to say thank you to all of you here in Chasty County for your tenacity. - Yes. - For your hard work and for not giving up and for holding these people's feet to the fire. It's not easy. They tried to shame you and they've done some pretty rotten dirty things to you guys, but I just want to thank you for standing tall and standing up for our country.
Have a question for you Beth in everything that you have observed in elections in Chastik County would you consider them to be cost effective and efficient? Well if you add the magazines that also get milled out with the ballots what is that cost right okay because that's going to all these people even the people that don't exist and it would not surprise me if 25% of our voter rolls.
More garbage. Okay, you can look at the motor rolls and go wow, really? That 900 square foot house has nine people living in them, right? That's 10 square feet of piece. Not counting the bathroom and the kitchen. Okay, so they're all voting. They all voting there. Yeah, a fan store. That's a whole new list of what we and so and I mean.
So many of the elections have been lost by so few votes. Laura didn't go to a runoff because of 14 votes. That's why there's some district two in this room of 90 that's been voting. And if they exist, come forward. It's easier to find a place that doesn't exist than to find a person that doesn't exist. And so, and dance part of it.
Problem. Okay? I have a question too. You said you've been talking to the detective and reporting to him. So what's the the feedback from him? Well the sheriff recognized that yes we have a problem. Now he did not say yes I did to the detective. The detective says yes we definitely have problems. Now it's It's supposed to be that the investigation is over and we're waiting on it.
His report okay the problem is that nothing else has taken off of him okay he's responsible for the dance he's responsible for the child trafficking he's responsible and you know I'm not so convinced that he's totally in charge of what he did but I'm the sheriff they tell me it was going just had to be having a report released now you know I ask you please do that before the election.
We didn't get it, but now, you know, as soon as we can get it, that will just add to us. I mean, even on the election committee, the commission, there's one guy that said, you know, well, he was thinking, okay, I was wrong. Even when I told him it was at the sheriff, he said, well, then I'll just wait for the sheriff to give the history for it. Well, that's what a lot of people, okay, give it to me, you know.
All these places that I've had it gondon courts and you know why was it dismissed and you know I'm so tired hearing there is no evidence right once that report is in that is evidence right yeah yeah and so within it I can't talk about it and give the specifics so because if I can't give the subsistence it's so specific yes thank you then it must not be true well.
I like to think I have a lot of integrity, and I'm not doing this for my health, right? My pay rate is, even for overtime, is 0 times 0. Okay, so I'm not doing it for my health, it's got to be done, and it's got to be brought to the surface. Excuse me, can you give a big hand? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A couple of things, so you know that because this is an interesting subject, because we've.
Canvassing all throughout the state. Every California county has done that, and what's others. Some of them have lasted in the new California because of that, you know, that was a good thing. But we developed a couple of protocols that we found very successful. And we've been trying to implement them in every one of the counties that we were very successful in a couple of them. One of them was San Luis Obispo County, the sheriff that worked correctly with us. And we developed an election hotline.
If they're irregularities, they put it up on the website. You can go and see it to report everything to the sheriff. So our staff down there are people down there that had direct contact almost every other day with the sheriff, and he wants to see something happen. Not too sure about his district attorney, but that's another issue. Chad Beyond though, that we've worked with, you know, very extensively down there in Riverside County. And he's all over this. And there's a couple of other.
Shares that are monitoring it now. It used to be zero shares monitoring it. And even with Shasta County zero shares. But now all of a sudden, at least there's now that trend moving in that direction where they, we got them through the decorations and after days to give us, you know, primary board numbers. I think we have a number, don't you? So all the counties that we work and we always demand that we get a primary board from them. And of course.
The affidavits, which is very, very productive for us. By the way, our declarations in affidavits are all written by prosecuting a term. I don't write them any motivated step up. I have a step right. All volunteers are going to call them two days later. They call them a heck to get something done. But I love everybody, especially. But when we did, that's what we do normally in every situation. So far, we're over 80,000 declarations now.
Of the day with student county people, personnel, people we think have a corruption problem and that goes to every county in this state. It also includes the school board members and county boards of education and we've had a lot of county court recorders since 2020 no longer are part of the system. There's 58 counties and we've gotten 31 of them.
But you know you don't hear about that in the press, you don't hear us running around telling people all this all the time, but we're telling you there are effective ways in which you can make this change, and we don't need the fanfare, just need the people in the field like yourself, and you know you're doing all that was pretty hot out there wouldn't it? Yeah, it was somebody screaming at you, they screamed at other people. I heard there was some bullying.
Or something like that. And I've seen, I've been out in Yuba County and Southern County, and seen what's one of the Tina courses that map a fabulous job. Mike, I don't know about him. He's pretty suspicious, he's not a good one. That's a secret. Anyway, but there's a lot of people like you in the New California state who have been doing those walking shoes on and getting the documentation. And we interpret it. It's been valuable, because we can tell what they're doing.
And they don't know what-- and listen, do they know what they're doing? You can tell they don't know what to be doing. It's the bad side. I actually didn't go to the canvassing. I told people where to go. Oh, OK. Oh, no. Oh, no. I don't know. I see the shoes. Yeah. So I mean, we've had the FBI call on us. We've had, you know, we're in a canvass someplace. and this guy just...
She yelled and she was gone, but you know, like this talk and the guys yelling at them, there's no fraud in Shasta County, and as they're leaving, he yells, "My wife works for the R.O.V. and there is no fraud in Shasta County." And you know, they, in some of whom might not know that, they might not know what they're looking at. [BLANK_AUDIO].
But then there was a press conference the following Monday saying how we were harassing the voters and that you know what we were doing was illegal now that's the part yeah that makes it they may have called up the they may have called up somebody down the Secretary of State's office they probably called the assembly Office who created a bill and by the afternoon.
Had the bill go through us to the Senate and it was signed by the governor and they make it in a legal way. That's right. Welcome to the dictatorship. We can think about it how many laws were passed recently that protected our voting rights. If we could get together later to see how it's set up a hotline. Sure. That would be great. I can tell you that the equivalence phone number and you - Please, you will help him. - Okay, thank you. [BLANK_AUDIO].
Thank you very much. Thank you, man. (applause) My name is Jeremiah. I've been living here for just a bit over nine years now. I started voting in 2018, but this is just going over how my voting experience was. So, in 2018, I had changed my system.
The signature from what it was on my license. And going to Boat, that was not checked. That was just, my boat was taking the hazards, put into the machine, and that was it. In 2020, since it was all COVID, I'm super going to. I wanted to test to see if they were checking the boats again. So, I put on the hat, man.
The basement I had a hoodie, I went in, so it was pretty hard to distinguish me from any sort of identification and they took the vote as is with a different signature. And so it wasn't until 2022 when I submitted my vote. It had a different signature and that was when I was asked if I wanted to change it.
If I actually was who was that I was it was just do you want to change the signature in 2024 my family we staggered our voting and so some early some day up and when submitting our votes we went into to be one and what's the building.
So we went inside there and we took our ballots and submitted, they didn't even check the signatures at the time. So there's no verification of who is actually submitting the votes that are supposedly tied to them. But how are you guys going to handle that with NewCare, California.
You're asking me, uh, yeah, we're not gonna have mail-in ballots, right? There you go. We're not gonna, I mean, we're all at its own. You know, we understand the disability balance. Absolutely balanced, uh, that often wouldn't go back to that. But we're gonna do one day voting. Okay. So there's not gonna be a Virginia custody business, and there's not gonna be 29 days to make sure you can adjust the chief when you get down to the election day. And then to focus in on.
Winning the election like we just saw the Orange County and all these other races which by the way that's what these algorithms are here all about. About how they cheated to take the seal of the elections in Orange County and other places and that's not going to happen. So it's you going to have to get down and vote and decreasing and we'll have a deal on election probably in February. Where is you going to.
Using photo ID. Yes. It's all listening to anything we can to view to identify you, we will. The other thing is, have you looked at any of the videos and how Taiwan approaches their counting? It's a clear box where they have both who hand the ballots and then they can't Raise them up. There you go.
And anyone can come by and actually take photos or videos of the votes as they're being kept both. - Okay, so let me just take a little pause on the election sugar. This whole notion of having a private voting, but it's never really the kind of father's one of them. - If you wanted to see, you'd learn the history about West Virginia, and how that state was formed, how it were being formed, go look that up because when you went to vote.
They marched you into a room about half this side and in the room was a half About a half maybe a foot high stage and there was a desk room and there are two chairs and then around was like a chalkboard And then standing around was a couple dozen men You marched in and by the way, there was no suffrage then But you marched in and you had to have you had to be able to prove that you own real estate for you that you have your amount of means and so on, I mean a man because it was.
Wasn't with me. You marched in, and there was a judge right there, and you went toe-to-toe with the judge, and you thought about it, and you marched your ballot. And as you marched your ballot, these talented people, what's going on? And they're marking up on the board that this is who you're voting for. That's the way it was done. That was the whole national thing. And we're worried about, oh, I can't see who they voted for. There's a daughter when there was that daughter.
I mean, come on, there's a mystery behind this. It shouldn't be secret. It should not be secret. This is a culture, a country that's made upon transparency. And you should be proud of it. When those are drawn, if you're happy with connoisseurs, you should be happy with it. The fraud steps in the moment they lose transparency. That's what it is. This whole thing is a series of fraudulent acts, Electronics.
>> Yeah, it's the purposeful and malicious mid-elections. >> Right. >> Questions? >> Well, if I could address, are you talking about your signature? >> Yes. >> No, it was my signature that I knew what it was for the driver's license that I had on file and I had changed my signature and yeah. Yeah, I'm so happy.
So to kind of go explain what we're doing. So when the New California, what we've done is it's created with resolutions and working on all these issues. You know, it could be healthcare, could be schools, education. But myself and Patty Plumb and a few others here have been on Election Integrity Committee and we, what we've done there is address all these things, you know. Yeah, one day floating, F-C-T ballots.
You know, mail-in ballots for the military only, you know, and so there's a lot of things we're addressing and showing ID, proof of residency, I mean, there's a lot that we're just, we're nitpicking it, but we have to because look where we come, you know, look where we're at. Yeah, we have Trump in office now and a lot of Republicans in place, but, you know, for future, for our kids, you know, we want to put things in place that you can't touch this. You decide to try the evidence.
Change something. Well, you know, you want to change, you know, you don't have to be a citizen of the United States to run and somebody's running, you know, you want to change that, you know, there might be some consequences, you know, against you and just like I was bringing it up just like Oklahoma, if you try to change their balance, there's a five years prison sentence or $200,000, $250,000 fine, you try to touch that. You know, we need to have things in place that are set in stone to protect our rights.
The future of the country and I think it starts with us and we're going to dress all those things and I'm going to go on a tangent, we're going to dress all those things, we're elections and that's the goal. You should have over a month to count the votes. Also, if that's the case then why does the counting ever stop? Right. It's a very good point.
Here. So you understand the process because he was talking about resolutions, our legislature, develops resolutions and now actually we just did a three joint ordinances which are laws which will become law as soon as we are at the state. So with what the legislature is doing is they're listening to like what he said everything out here and we're already fashioning the laws through resolutions and once we become a state and as they're authorized by a state we're actually.
As we go into stacks of builds will be presented on day one. Those builds will go into effect on a given day at some certain time. So we're already in that process of all the things you're talking about if it's a child sex trafficking or whatever. We're already addressing that. And we have some of them, one of them is right here. This is the ordinance. This is the ordinance that we read on the state capitol. to stay at the San of California, this is a late training by our team.
The California State Constitution 1849 article one section 18 in the United States Constitution 13th Amendment and This is how we're addressing it with this ordinance and this past our legislature and When this when we become a state this becomes the law And ultimately what some of the laws will read about this was what is the punishment? Death is the punishment for child sex trafficking. You know, I mean, this is the stuff. We're dealing with right now.
Ready for it. So, what a day and one happens and this goes into effect, we catch the child's sex traffickers down there and in Otay, Mesa and all those places that come up to the Los Angeles Fairplex and start to divide up the kids, whether they're going to be sex trafficked, whether they need to be a organ transplant or out to foster kids, we're going to catch them. We already know where they're at, Mike Cargow from the 35th District, he He was just on Joe Ross Radio show. He's one of these guys.
And he's in this list right here in Taipei who is screwed over. We're going to make sure that that gets from his election. He's put in twice down the front for the 35th district to stop dormitories. dormitories is from El Salvador. But she has ties with Guatemala. Guatemala is the largest sex trafficking. Child sex trafficking plays on the planet. They steal kids, they buy kids, and they bring them up to California.
And the largest place in which passes through for child sex trafficking. You know, all of the three evils comes through Ote Mesa and up into the LA Fairplex. That's the LA Fairgrounds. We know that. And Mike Cargau has taken it upon himself. $20,000, just to run. Another $10,000 to be in the roadway. And then he loses by $60, 40. Ryan, Ryan. You know that doesn't take away. He's done that twice.
Stop Norma Torres. She's an open member of commerce doing this. So you know that's what we're doing. This is what we're getting ready for because you know why they're not doing it in California. There's no one trying to stop any of this in California except New California and we've been down there, if I can tell you over the people of the day. We've been down there screaming.
This one. The inside the cap and building. Tell them where are the laws to put a stop to this. That's what we do in New California. And we're the only advocates for that. So thank you, that was just an insane thank you for pushing.
And then we can make our dead like a butcher. - Hello? - Yeah Mike please, we'd love to hear from you. - Yeah? - Or Ron or whoever you've gone. - No, no, did you get to come up? - No, I didn't know you. - Nope, we've got a few more minutes here. - And if it's your skirt, your skirt is crooked, Ron. (laughing) Thank you very much.
And I've got some questions. How are you going to get our officials or our representatives to follow the Constitution? They do not do that now. Absolutely. Do not do that. I'd have runions. And so if you can't make a follow the Constitution, you haven't got anything. That includes our sheriff, our district attorney, or California Highway Patrol. [BLANK_AUDIO].
Department of Justice, the Fish and Game, all of these people, they will not follow the Constitution, they will walk on our rights all the time. So, like I said, I've got writings with them. They don't like my military attitude. I was trained by a Second World War veteran, Cree and Beffens, who were trained by Admiral Nimitz, and this is the only way to how to deal with things. I get a problem. I'm a gentleman who I am.
To you poke at me that it all stops because I may drink out of Winchester and I deal with it for two or three. Well I don't know what caliber but anyhow this gets me in trouble because they will not let me have my constitutional rights and look at the drugs that are here on our town. Look at the and you talked about the illegal aliens.
They took out some young lady in Georgia. She should have the rights to have her rights in her own surroundings. Our president, and vice president, took her rights away. He let those illegitimate, and they beat her to death. They beat her till she went unconscious and stopped breathing. So they've done the same thing to the rest of us. We don't have our constitutional rights. So, if you become...
State of New California or anybody else. How will they make these synthies of our representatives follow the Constitution? A lot of my brothers and sisters never came home. This has been happening since founding fathers. So as a veteran this is where I'm coming from. Anyway, go ahead. This is the biggest rub of all for all of us in the New California state movement.
Because we see that our governor, he not only ignores a constitution, but so does everybody else in the offices, ignore the constitution. Most of them don't take the oath, or they take an improper oath if they take it at all. Shirley Weber, when she took the oath of office to become Secretary of State from Gavin Newsom, her oath of office consisted of, say, after me, I Shirley Weber, whoever protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of California. Well, excuse me, folks.
We got the other parts, didn't we? Protect against all enemies foreign and domestic. That is one of the things. If these people take the oath, a voice of, that's what they take. Is it a surprise, the Katie Hobbes, or any of these other people, many almost all of the Democrats that were selected in this last go around the corner of Congress, don't say the proper vote of the office. That's because they are not out.
By it and no one's stopping it. We will stop it and they will not get booed until they stop or we get rid of it. We're going to re-oath everybody that day one. Everybody will be re-oathed in the state of California. When that there'll be a time set and you're going to listen. Everybody in the state of Illinois is in leadership. We swear and oath of the Constitution. We will protect and defend. That's the first.
To both I bear were taken. You see where I will die by. And so we'll like, so we'll everybody else in leadership. And you know what? When I told somebody a report to that, they looked at me and said, why'd you say, why'd you make everybody do it home? That was second, but years, eight years ago. I said, doesn't it make sense that we want to be a state in the union and we want to protect and defend it and live by the Constitution? One of the things is the thing that we need to know.
To understand and look at. And that's where we've had these declarations that we've written and we've written out there in the talk formations. And I invite all of you to check out our grievances that we filed and everything else, 190 grievances, over 190 weeks. They all say the same thing on the back page. Talks about insurrection and it talks about secession and getting rid of your advocating your rights to leave.
When you don't say the oath of office, don't live by the oath of office, and you work for somebody else, and you're conniving against the country or your employer, that's a sign of insurrection. And it's an insurrection against the Constitution that you took me. And this is serious business because in 1807 they came up with a lot of complete insurrection that for this reason, and when you got to a more people to aspire against the Constitution.
Against this country, that's a status of insurrection. What we have here in this country in this state, 'cause you have a whole government that's in the state of insurrection against the constitution. They have us more than they're office to their office, but other than their office, they have not abided by the constitution. That's easy to see. I mean, isn't it? It's just, it's not obvious to why you're not up here And you step by step, by step, please.
People don't follow the constitution. And you know what, thank you. I can't believe you're here saying those things. We've been saying it in New California for a long time. It's visible to you, but it's not visible to everybody else. It's not today. I'm sure that people are going to go, oh well, maybe I can't see you. You just have to ask. And seriously, we've asked-- haven't we asked the sheriff's? Yeah. We've asked the sheriff's. They look at us like, hmm, don't they? Yeah.
What's with this old thing? Well, you know, it means something. My father was a Marine. My dad was a Marine. How many people have died for that oath to give us what we have today? That's what I'm talking about. That's why I asked you, how are you going to make them do it? Well, day one, what's going to happen is that everybody's going to have to say the oath, and it's an elected office. They're going to have to say the oath of office, and they have to say it verbally. We'll have a video record of that.
The Constitution and the moment we start hearing about people with insurrection doing something against military code of conduct or anything, they're going to be in the office getting tossed out. We're not going to tolerate people doing its development insurrection against this state or against this nation or against the Constitution, that's what Joe Biden has done. Did you ever see the situation with what was his name, a car, a car through the Navy SEAL, e-likes.
He like, what's his name? He like, you see that? When he was questioning a mayorist, no, I didn't see that. This is a sign, nobody in the federal government follows the Constitution. This is the sign. It tells you actually they're trying to subvert the Constitution. That's what this tells you. We've said this all along. They're trying to, the left. The globalists hate the Constitution. And they hate the above. And it says it. In fact, the Constitution is a benefit. And they say they don't want you.
8/9Th statement to get you away from host of allegiance, that's what the Columbia's want. So they've been working at this for a long time. So Eli Crane holds up the big chart. Navy Seal Eli Crane. You know what I'm saying, I live in a Menacee. No, they're dead and he seals me. You might not tell him I was a diver, but I didn't. They're different human beings. You know, they are different human beings.
So here we've seen like Frank's sitting there and he's got this chart behind him that shows all the people that were brought in because of Mayorkas versus Donald Trump. So it's a huge skyrocketing number of illegal foreign nation's coming in. So he says, "Mr. Mayorkas, he said, 'Mr. Mayorkas, how many offices do you have?" You've all been in five or six offices and your time has been over. How many times have you said the oath of office, Mr. Mayorkas? And my own, it's space, it goes to flash and it's like...
So I think 1 or 2 or 3, 4 or 5, he says, "No, how many times Mr. Mayorkas 1, 2, 3?" And he says, "Let's ask another question, Miss Mayorkas. The guy is disassembling psychologically right there. You can see him because of that. He knows, and it's hard, he's a communist Nazi, and he's killing people. That's what he knows. He knows it, and he didn't let up, he saw it. And so it's a classic, you gotta see it. I said, well, I'm going to ask another question.
Of five or six, and I'll ask you another question about -- have you ever heard of the article for Section 4 in invasion, freedom from invasion? Well, I think it was five or six times, maybe -- no, no, it's about invasion, Mr. Marius. Five or six times, the guy totally disassembles. tells you how effective they have been because he set up on the tire.
Network using our military using all of our assets available to him with the United Nations with these charitable chair of organizations a network around the world to bring in almost a hundred million people in four years That is a massive operation. They already have been pulled off with the help of globalist the United Nations and others And that's where we stand. That's why that young lady was beat to death. Yeah, that's why we have the problems now That's why today I've been listening to an intelligence report. It was there, she got it.
The report with me. Listening to the intelligence report about what's going on here in Saskia and Shasta counties with the marijuana growth in the Chinese columnist. This is for real, it's for real. You can listen to it on my show tomorrow. We've played a bunch of it. But we monitor, I used to work with the California Department of Justice years ago in these fields and guess who did away with the California Department of Justice Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement? from all of you on this day one, which you became your journey.
In general, having the advice and being told to do so much here and around. That's why we have the Communist Chinese here. That's why we have all the cartels here in the big business that they're planning a big business now. So I think we're going to have something to say about that. New California has something to say about it. You're probably here in part of it now. OK, that's why I'm here. Just to ask questions, because I went specifically.
Was sworn in his wife held the Bible and he said that he would follow the Constitution. I mean I took that in 1961 when I was 17 years old when I joined the Navy and I followed that ever since and when he took that Constitution and then I was like I'm not going to mention any I have Ryan's and they do not like my Navy attitude because I anyway I'm not going to go a lot of out.
>> First of all, Ron, I want to thank you for your service. I just want to make a comment about the oath of office. This is the first time that I've heard somebody outside of New California in our meetings asked that question. And it's a very important question, I appreciate it. >> When you're family, very well, I know that, thank you. >> And what was the name of that, the Navy Sea of Eli, you're like Craig.
>> Okay, are we ready? >> Thank you. >> I want to thank everyone for coming today and share that this is an opportunity for people's voices to be heard. It's about meeting people and our next opportunity will be Tuesday, December 17th, from one to three here in this room again. And between now, please come to our board of supervisors meeting on Tuesday, 14 at 9 a.m. That's in the board chambers and also, I'm not supposed to have it. I can say it though that there's an election commission meeting to.
Tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the board chambers so you're welcome to join that as well. And so just know that everything that you do is what's going to be voice and magnified here and this is what's real important. So we win this county by county and we'll go ahead and close and print. So we pray to God to thank you. Thank you very much for working. I know. Just yelling.
We ask that you to be with each one of us with our families, continue to guide you to direct us, be with us in every way. Lord God, just like you always are, and we thank you for your love for us. We ask God that you would move mildly and keep our children safe, keep us safe, Father in Jesus' name. Amen. if you want to stay connected tonight itself.
You're welcome to join the Zoom call for your California. You go on your California State and you'll see the link there. It's on Sunday evenings and Wednesday at 7 p.m. We'll be working. Thank you for coming.